Let It Out

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I want to scream,
But there's nothing left in me,
I haven't cried in three months,
I should, I want to, but I won't,
Losing hope in myself,
Nobody can tell,
My pain is in my eyes,
I hide it well,
I'm used to telling people I'm fine,
So that they don't worry,
I get yelled at a lot,
I put on a brave face and don't say a word,
I should've died,
I wasn't supposed to live,
Yet here I am still living my life,
I don't feel like I'm in control anymore,
I haven't felt warmth in a while,
I'm cold to the touch inside and out,
I feel like people are threatened by me,
I'm constantly fighting an uphill battle with myself,
Emotionally, physically, mentally,
Tuesday, Zero, Grey, Sage,
I don't know what they think of me,
I can't tell when they are truthful anymore,
I can't lose them,
I can't lose him,
I don't know what to do,
It feels like they're slipping away from me,
Gradually getting further away,
It's an never ending nightmare,
I can't get away from it,
I have to be social,
I have to be nice,
I don't want anything anymore,
All I need, all I want,
Quiet, darkness,
No more voices, please,
Constant headaches damaging my brain,
This, everything comes from one singular person, me.

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