Are You Scared??

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Listen, this is one of the most annoying things I hear every time I say no to something. Like this stupid fucking kid in my grade wanted to play checkers because we played last time, and even though I lost, he said it wasn't "finished". Like leave me alone dude. I have better things to be doing rather than playing checkers with someone who can't take no seriously. I'm beginning to hate my Studyhall not only because of this reason but also because I think the teacher is starting to dislike me. I hate it. I don't want a teacher to dislike me, but if they do, so be it. When something is said to me that I find offensive or is confusing, I remember it. Most of the time, anyway. Some days, I have a really good memory. Others not so much. For example, in Science, I thought I did fairly well. It's just I am kind of like classified as colorblind but not really, like if I look at what's supposed to be a red shirt I see like splotches of that color and other similar shades if that makes sense. Probably not, but it's alright, I get it. So we did a kahoot in Science, and it has 4 different colors, and when people say yellow, I think it's red because yellow in my eyes is similar to red. Same thing with green and blue. Essentially, I see 3-4 different shades of circular shaped colors. Hehe, have fun understanding that one...

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