Laughter Again w/ Tuesday

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Ok, so I hung out with Tuesday yesterday, and we laughed quite a bit. I don't know what it is, but I truly feel alive when I'm with people outside of school. Especially one on one. Because it makes you wonder what the difference in their personality is, but Tuesday, I think she is almost just about the same inside and outside of school. I can see a little bit of a difference outside of school because she has more freedom of things she wants to say, and she won't get judged for it. I love Tuesday's personality so much it's just so her, you know? Anyway when I got there we went to her room and I missed her room so much it's insane, I don't know what it is but Grey and Tuesday's rooms are like my favorite places to be, it matches them so much and I LOVE IT. We were brainstorming ideas on what to do, and she said, "Inside or outside?" I immediately said outside. So she started saying some things we could do, and we agreed on a walk, and well, I didn't realize exactly how cold it was until the wind started to appear stronger and stronger and I couldn't feel my ears. It was painful, but it was fun. When we arrived back, there were a variety of cookies and man let me tell you they were good. There were a few I was a little iffy on, like the blueberry something, it should have been a muffin. And that strawberry one tasted like a cheesecake. Those two were my least favorite, I'd rank the peanut butter one first, then the keylime one next, then the oatmeal chocolate chip, and then the blueberry something than the strawberry one last. They were really good. I asked Tuesday what Grey told me to say when I got there, and that was "Bird, window, garage." So Tuesday led me to the outdoor shed type thing. Idk what to call it, and I will have to tell her what she calls it. But yeah, then we went inside, and man, it was better than the last time I saw it. It was like anything I could ever wish for in one room. It was great. We played minecraft for a while and where we were living previously in the world Tuesday, didn't want to live there anymore so we are now living on the very top of a mountain and we're living in a dirt shack but now it kind of looks like a room made out of glass which is really cool. While we were playing minecraft, we were listening to her music, and it was so calm and fun. We were talking about Hazbin Hotel, and if you know, you know. I told Tuesday about me and Grey's duet for Solo and Ensemble and I told her I was struggling with these two words notes. We figured out what I was doing wrong. I was singing down on those two words when I should have singing up. So I'm glad and very thankful to Tuesday that we figured out what I was doing wrong. While we were on the keyboard Tuesday figured why not play easy songs on YouTube? I have never sweared so much in my life it was great. I kept screwing up so when I do that it's just these three words repeated "fuck, shit, dammit." And I had the easy part.... I love Peno <3 😁

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