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This is why I should stop talking to people. Don't even comment on my damn entries if you have nothing good to say. I unpublished my previous one from yesterday because I can not handle it when people disagree with what I have to say, yet others say whatever the fuck they want and don't get backlash. Of course only the underdogs like me get rude fucking comments for what I say. Don't even fucking talk to me anymore if your going to be like that. I was just trying to stick up for a friend, but I guess I know where I stand. Wayyyy down in hell. I'm done trying. I've been through a hell of a lot more than most teens, not saying that a teen life isn't hard. It is, very much so. So stop making one teens life difficult just because of their choice of words. Speak to me in fucking person like a real human being. If you can't handle it, maybe stop talking to me and see what happens. 3 years I have been at this school, and have had these 4 friends, yet they don't care. Grey infact had a dream recently about me and Tuesday or something like that, I don't know why. When I went to her house for probably the last time she said she had a dream about me leaving, well your dream came true. Obviously, I'm not leaving the school, but I don't want to have to deal with this crap anymore, so you can consider yourself back to a group of 4. Sure, for competitions/clubs, I have to see Grey, but after that, no more member number 5. Amazing, I know. Middle school is literally the worst years, I swear. Take it from me, don't be in a group if they treat you like this. Again, don't comment if you have nothing nice to say, infact you know what, don't comment at all. Not on this entry. I've had enough with people today.

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