I'm falling but you've caught me

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I was there just yesterday, and it's my safe place. My actual "home" has never felt like home to me. It's just a place where I sleep, eat, write, and read. It's nothing else to me. But at yours, it's like I can walk right in, I fit in, I'm welcome. I drew a spider for you when I was there. That’s all I can really draw right now. I don't really do art, but you have me hooked drawing spiders.
I usually say a nickname for people if they go by one, but this one doesn't really have one that I know of that's not an abbreviated version of its name. So if you're a bit confused, good, let's keep it that way.
I could only stay there 4 and half hours, but every minute was valuable. If I didn't have to go so much, I would spend time with more people. At least I'm not sitting in my room all day.
My mother has been teaching me how to drive my father's car, and I love his car so much. I like the controls. The brake isn't touchy like most cars. His car seats very low to the ground, which makes me feel like a Nascar driver. I'm a little underage sure, but there's no harm in showing me what to do a little early.
I've been writing a lot recently. About you, about me trying to better myself, the life I want for the future, and countless other things. You also got me a book that was on my list. Thank you for that. I plan on starting it very soon, probably later, since I stay up so late. But I found that if someone sleeps next to me, I can sleep better.     The first time I sleep next to someone, I don't sleep, but the second or third time around, I do. I usually don't get sleep in the summer because of my sleep paralysis. It usually takes a toll in the summertime. It did not fail this summer, same with my insomnia.
I take in a lot of information around me, that's why I'm quiet. If I say something, I always have eyes on me like I just woke up from a coma. What did I say to make you uncomfortable? I see into things too far. If you couldn't tell already.
Tuesday, I'm happy you're back in town, man. It's a big relief for everyone, to be honest. I'm glad that I get to see you at least once this summer.
Grey, you're fine.
Sage, I have no idea mixed emotions all around.
Zero, I'm glad you're hanging with good people for the most part. 

Alright, that concludes my thoughts for now.

24 days of not posting, broken.

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