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This is my first name, Taya... one of the many people who are in control. I'll talk about them when I post another part. This is only 1/4 people who are in control. Alright, here we go.
This Taya, she wants to do good in life, but she's so confused that she doesn't know what to do half of the time. She is very incompetent as others like to put it. She tries to be funny, but she never makes sense either way. She is the only lightest person in control. She likes to wear shades of blue and green and sometimes grey. She likes her jewelry, that's for sure. She takes it easy. She always remains calm. She remembers everything that her friends say, even though it may hurt her when they don't even know, she still remains with a smile on her face.

Alright, there we go, I may add anything else that comes to mind, but yeah, that's it for now.

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