In a Book Fantasy

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I used to hate reading, and I used to hate the thought of picking up a book and sitting down and doing nothing else but read. Now I'm a new person. I have read 5 books so far near the end of 2023 and now, which is good for me. I don't know what is up with me. I'm all over the place, emotionally, and my appearance has changed quite a bit, too. I'm trying to focus on myself more and learn to say no more often. I'm a people-pleaser, and it's not a good thing. 3 of my friends are currently hanging out right now. They seem happy. Tuesday sent me a video, and it made me smile. But yeah, I recently got two more new books that caught my eye, and yeah, they seem interesting. Both of them are like a falling in love type book. Idfk what the genre is for that. I have school tomorrow, and I'm not excited, I get to go to a new classroom, which I'm not familiar with, and since I've had this injury I'm very limited in movement. It's not visible, thankfully, but I know it's there, and trust me, I'm a pretty easy person to read. Unless we're talking about my home-life or mental state.

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