Shitty Name for a Shitty Band

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A/N: Hello to anyone that reads this book, i just wanna say i use the word 'boot' in this chapter, meaning the back of the car. yes i'm British and it feels weird writing the word 'trunk' so ima just stick with boot. love ya's

"i'm telling you Brooke this is like my big chance!" Tommy basically shouted down the phone, Brooke took the receiver away from her ear and then placed it back. laughing sightly "i never said it wasn't. i'm really proud of you T." she smiled however it was quickly wiped off of her face when she heard her mom shouting up the stairs "Brooke! Get off of the line i need to make a call to the modelling agency!"

Brooke huffed before shouting back down "Just a few more minuets!" She placed the phone back to her ear "what's wrong?" Tommy asked noticing her sigh "i've gotta go. mom has to call the modelling agency. probably to book me in for another string of cameras in my face" Brooke huffed. "i'll call you tonight. i've got rehearsal with Nikki we're looking for a guitarist" Tommy said happily. "wait you're not going to the party?" She asked.

"party? what party?" Tommy asked confused. Brooke groaned "i told you about it last week. it's at Corey's cousin's place." she said and Tommy huffed "Brooke i told you i don't like being around all those snotty College kids. the only good thing about it is the chicks" Brooke just sighed "well will you at least consider it. there's a band playing. it's a cover band but it's still good"

"what band?" Tommy asked "RockKandi" she replied "ain't that the one that Vince is in?" he asked "yeah, i haven't seen him in forever-"

"Brooke! Off the line now!" she heard her mother shout "Okay!"

"i gotta go. but please try and swing by." she almost begged, she didn't mind going with Corey but she did like to spend time with Tommy and sometimes it'd give her a break from how clingy Corey could be.

"i ain't promising anything" he said, "okay well i gotta go, he'll be here soon. talk talk to you later" she said "Bye B"
"Bye T"

"You're going to a party?" Evan appeared out of no where, Brooke gasped a little from shock "ever heard of knocking?" she asked "why would i wanna ware out my wrist when i could just walk in?" he asked and sat himself down at her desk. "where'd you think you're going?" he asked with a raised eyebrow "I'm going out with Corey, there's a small gathering at his cousins house, just some college kids" she said acting unbothered. Obviously Evan knew that it was a party but it was only 4:15 in the afternoon so they wouldn't be doing anything too heavy, just drinking and most of the kids that lived in their neighbourhood were all snotty rich kids anyway so the most they'd do was smoke a little weed.

"Tommy going?" he asked, Brooke scoffed "As if, do you really think he'd be caught dead at one of those things?" Evan chuckled before turning away.
"i guess you're right-" he was interrupted when a car horn beeped from outside. Brooke got up and looked out of the window, seeing Corey outside in his car, once he saw her in her bedroom window he waved and beeped the horn again.

she smiled and walked downstairs. Corey saw her descending the white stairs to the large house. he jumped out of the car, not bothering to open the door as the hood of his car was down. he quickly walked to her side of the car, she walked up to him and he placed his arm around her waist, planting a firm kiss on her lips. she kissed back and smiled into it. they both pulled away "you look beautiful" he said, she swatted his chest with her hand "you're one to talk." She smiled and got in the car, he closed the door and went around to his side.

He revved the engine slightly and began to drive. Brooke pulled out her pocket mirror and began to apply a layer of lipstick, giving her already cherry lips more of a glow.

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