Need a Man?

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it was a new decade and with that came a new spurt of fame for Brooke Levine. she was still your average 18 year old however she'd starred in a mini series which had been the main topic of conversation around the town. although it didn't matter much to her, Brooke's mother was absolutely thriving at her daughter's new career path.
she always wanted Brooke to follow in her footsteps of fame, her mother was a little bit of a hidden celebrity, she had her own skin care line and did modelling however as she got older she figured she wanted to put at least one of her children in the spotlight and take all of the credit for making them a star.

Brooke's mother often fantasised about interviews she'd have when her children were older, richer and their fame grew to the point where they became household names and the person taking the credit would be her. she imagined what she'd say, how she'd act, how she'd laugh, how she'd smile, how she'd brush off the questions about her children and make everything about herself.

Layla was her youngest child, she couldn't wait for her to start her modelling jobs. Krystal already had a few agencies lined up. It was just a matter of time now.

Brooke was only four when she did her first performance, she was dancing in front of a large audience, feeling butterflies swarm her stomach she would look back at her mom and see the determined look on her face, as her mother grew older she noticed that people were slowly losing interest in seeing her as a middle-aged woman and that they wanted to see younger, skinnier, prettier models because God forbid women grow old. it frustrated her mother, her father Monty used to tell her how she was beautiful still and it was all a natural part of ageing.

rather than listen to her husband she was too focused on the anger she felt because she was no longer desirable, she was jealous of her daughter, jealous of her beauty and her grace and she made it her life's mission to remind Brooke that her beauty wouldn't last forever. Krystal Levine was truly a stage mom.

Brooke sat in front of her vanity table, gently darkening the crease of her eyelid with a black eye shadow. Tommy had invited her to a gig from a band he had been recently obsessed with, a band called 'London'. he'd invited her because it was her birthday last week and this was her birthday present however honestly it was just a reason for Tommy to see the band he'd been dying over the past three weeks.

her bedroom door opened and in walked in her brother Evan. "you ready yet?" he asked, she took the brush away from her eye and looked at him "do you see me wearing lipstick?" she asked. Evan sighed and shook his head "well you should know what that means" she said and took out her cherry red lipstick from her drawer.

"when's T coming?" Evan asked sitting down on Brooke's bed "eight thirty." she replied painting the red onto her plump lips. Evan sighed "you know she'll freak if she finds out" he said. Brooke turned around and gave him a mean glare "that's why she's not going to"

"she's not?" Evan asked sarcastically "what am i paying you ten dollars for?" Brooke asked annoyed, she knew she didn't have to pay Evan to cover for her but she felt bad and she knew paying him ensured he'd keep his mouth shut.

Brooke fluffed up her hair and pouted in the mirror however sighed and looked down. Evan stood up and walked behind her "you look beautiful B." he said and Brooke huffed "do i? i mean really do i? mom spends all this time booking me for those stupid ass photo shoots, mom stopped being hired when she was 35. maybe my beauty is running out. early" Brooke looked down and Evan tutted.

"you're eighteen Brooke, you're not old and wrinkled just yet." Brooke smiled slightly and got up. "better go say goodnight" she said. Brooke was wearing her dressing gown and her mum and dad knew she always took her makeup off after saying goodnight so nothing was out of the ordinary.

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