Work Work and Work

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Brooke was sat downstairs on her own, the glow of the light helped her see the magazines articles better. She was sort of in her own world more or less. Her mom had been on her case about a new TV Show she wanted her to audition for but Brooke didn't want to do it because it involved working with the girl she competes with in the industry.

A lot of things had been going through her mind lately, she felt overwhelmed with stress, she was so stressed in fact she cancelled her date with Corey.

As much as she loved him when she wasn't with it, hearing Corey talk about his car all of the time wasn't something she could pretend to be interested in right now.

As she continued to read the front door opened and a sigh came. She turned her head and was met with her father walking into the living room.

When he noticed her he gave her a small smile "Evening Sweetheart" he placed his briefcase down by the door and took his blazer off, draping it on the back of the sofa.

"Hey daddy, how was work?" She asked and he huffed "I've been assigned a new case to work on. There are some horrible things that happen in this world Brooke" he said and sat next to her on the sofa.

"How was your day?" He asked, wanting to move the subject from his job, although he was a very successful and well known lawyer, the cases he was assigned were more often than not incredibly complex and disturbing, he preferred to deal with divorces and fraud cases but because of how well adapt he was to Law he was called to help with the most heinous things.

Brooke shut her book and sighed "it was okay I guess, mom got mad at me because Layla told her I went to Tommy's first gig" Her father smirked.

"Oh little Layla, we must sew that girls mouth shut" he chuckled to himself "I don't care about her, it's mom I can't handle. She grounded me for a week as if I'm not twenty next month." Brooke rolled her eyes.

"You know what your mother is like Brooke she says one thing and means another." Monty tutted, his wife was hard to deal with and sometimes he even wondered how they managed to marry each other when they have completely different outlooks on most things. 

he did love her though. deep down he saw her struggles and he wouldn't judge her for them but she is a control freak and she also suffered from OCD which was quite severe from her point of view, everything had to be perfect including her children so she made them all into copies of herself. 

she was especially fixated on Brooke. obsessed with the image of making her perfect, making her the dream which everyone wanted to be. making her a sex symbol at just sixteen years old. 

Monty didn't agree with it, he understood if Brooke wanted to do it but she was only young and Brooke had been performing all her life. Child modelling ages 3-11, then acting in her teenage years then finally starring in her own TV show and more on the way with modelling contracts and deals pilling up. It weighed heavy on Brooke more than it did her mother. 

"She's always pushing me to do stuff i dont want to do." Monty nodded "I get it, sweetheart. Your grandmother was the exact same with me. Wanted me to be a lawyer or doctor. and i had no choice in the matter you know it was one or the other."

Brooke rolled her eyes at him.  "Surprise, surprise.

"I just don't understand her, why am i not allowed to go to gigs on my off days?" She asked annoyed, Monty grinned, settling into the chair. "That's just the way she is. Speaking of gigs, how was Tommy's performance?"

"I mean it went as good as it could've, they got into a huge fight but then some guy started yelling and they got up and played again. it was quite emotional actually." Brooke faked wiping a tear from her eye, sarcasm evident in her tone at the end. Monty laughed, a deep, hearty sound. "That kid is all over the place. Listen i wouldn't worry about your mother, she has a certain idea of success and not even she's reached it yet even though she thinks she has. Reminds me of when we went to see the Beatles live back in the day. Your grandma was furious, thought I should be studying instead."

Brooke couldn't help but laugh at the thought of her grandmother's disapproval. "Really? What happened?"

Monty leaned back, a twinkle in his eye. "Oh, we had the time of our lives. It was a moment I'll never forget. Sometimes, you have to follow your passions, even if others don't quite understand. your mother was wild back then though, she didn't care about a thing. i suppose we all have to grow up at some point."

"Yeah but mom grew up too quick." Brooke said and folded her arms across her chest. 

That was the problem with Krystal Levine. She grew up too quickly. When Brooke was a little girl she did nothing but dress her up. experiment with her like she was a doll. she loved taking pictures of her, capturing every memory but she'd not hug her or comfort her, that was all her dad. and because of that Brooke longed for her mother. she felt resentment towards her. 

As much as she wished her mother would hold her or hug her, anytime her mother tries Brooke can't help but feel out of place, like she doesn't belong in her mother's arms. could anyone really blame her though? Her mother wasn't exactly always there for her.

Monty saw the sadness across his daughter's face, he wrapped her in a hug and gave her a small kiss on the head. "You shouldn't grow up too fast Brooke. i want you to enjoy your life and live it fully promise me you will" He said and she sighed "I'll try daddy"

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