Siege on the Lotus Temple

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"The more we wait here, the stronger he gets there"

"He has already enslaved four thousand people to do his bidding unto death"

"If we wait even a minute more, he will have an army while us 15 wizards will just be a pinprick to walk upon"

Harry heard a lot of such noises in the library and decided to just stroll outside in the starry night. As he stepped just outside of the door, a large fiery whip came billowing onto him. He threw his hands to protect his face and the attacker went flying with his whip down the corridor.

Incarcerating him with a snap and walking cautiously with his shield drawn, he saw it was none other than Master Mordo, who was grinning from ear to ear despite failing to ambush him.

"You are certainly another breed of a sorcerer, Harry"

 After removing his bindings, he replied, "Maybe that's what happens when a seven year old learns of Dark Fire"

"But why does the new Doctor look at you like you'll kill him anytime, Master Mordo?", he added, wanting to ask this question for a long time.

"Dunno. Maybe it is due to something I did in his past, maybe", he shrugged, not seeming bothered about it.

"And he reads books faster than Hermione Jean Granger! Can you believe he just finished the Book of Ancient Realms in three hours and knew it by heart to a single missed full stop?"

"Now that's something best left out of you, or the library would be brought down in one day", Mordo ruffled his hair and went by.

It was later that night that for the first time since he came, almost all the Masters and Dumbledore portkeyed somewhere to actually fight. And he was left alone with Master Kaecilius, Master Mordo and the other young trainees who paid no heed to him.

It seemed that all the Masters had their own tragic stories. Kaecilius' wife and son had died, Mordo was battling an inner battle within himself to let go of his demons, Hamir had lost his hand and was trying to still feel his worth in the world.

And Harry's tragic story was that he was always dragged along in someone else's.

As he was taking a nap in the Master's libraries — which was practically his house here, he noticed something strange. A glow in the eye-shaped golden locket sitting at the centre of the raised platform in the side alcove.

And then, much like a pensieve, it started showing some strange blurry visions.

Dementors sucking the souls of countless muggles and wizards in some Arabic town. 

They had caused so much plunder that he could literally see their cloaks getting bigger and bigger and their structure getting more and more solid

He could see more black wraiths materialising all around as slowly the air grew foggy even in the dryness of the Middle East.

Harry did not know what to do. He shouted for Master Mordo and Master Kaecilius, who came running and they too were stunned, albeit for a different reason.

"The Eye of Agomotto has never since glown so strong after..."

"After what?!", Harry asked. 

"There are only mentions, across the history of Sorcerers and Practitioners of the Mystic Arts, of a fabled Sorcerer clan guarding the Chamber of the Gods for the Gods, Forces, and their Avatars and Friends.", Kaecilius began the story in his breathy voice.

"Only for once in the Sacred History after the Revelation of Wizardkind has the Chamber been opened by an uninvited, and at that time the then Sorcerer Supreme had made a Relic to be given to the second Master under his wing, to guard the Chamber against all threats since."

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