oo1 ━━ who's the girl?

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oo1. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ WHO'S THE GIRL ?
— Ooooh, she's kinda cute!

Her raven-colored hair fell on her shoulders as she finally let her hair down. As it fell it was almost as everything in time paused, time stood frozen. Sonmi wasn't normally a girl to be girly, sure she did have a feminine side, but contrary to her personality, most girls had envied the long silky hair that was owned by Jeon Sonmi. The girl had taken pride in keeping her hair nice and clean, it was a personal achievement for her, she had been growing it since primary school. As Sonmi grew older, she had this hatred of girlish things, the color pink, unicorns, fairies, rainbows, anything girly related, the young girl had a huge disliking towards. Except, Sonmi never wanted to cut her hair, even though people constantly thought about how long hair had this connotation of being girly, but Sonmi could never bring herself to chop it off. She did happen to have a special birthmark in her hair, a simple long white strip of hair. When she was young she did ask her mother about it, she said its what made Sonmi special, since hearing those words from her mother, thats when Sonmi decided to never shop her hair off. As she grew into her secondary years of school, Sonmi always had herself ponder why she hated these girly things, it never quite made sense, did she simply wake up one day and decide she had this vendetta against the silly girlish things. At the end of her secondary school experience, Sonmi did have self-realization and decided to adore everything girly- although she never showed it, she would never give up her edgy style, and continued to wear darker colors and have a dark style while also having her girly flare.

The hallways started to grow long and narrow, maybe this was because Sonmi was tired after her tutoring sessions. The young black-haired girl had considered herself a genius, or maybe not einstein level, but she considered herself very smart. Being in class 1-5, she always had this hidden sense of pride in her academics. The girl couldn't hide the fact she was quick-witted and always able to retain information very easily, it was almost a second talent of her after volleyball. Which was something she actually felt terrible at, considering the fact her team was not considered advanced or scary to play against. No matter what Sonmi did, she always felt she needed to be good at it, which is the reason why she was going to ask the boys' team for tips.

The boys team had been known to be better than the girls team by a long shot, for years on end. Ever since Michimiya, the girls team captain, could last remember the boys team did incredibly well, even making it to nationals at one point in their high school carrers. The girls team had never faced this same fate, they instead were viewed as one of the weaker teams in their leauge, and always an easy to be opponent. They could be otherwise known as the "shoe in team to lose," the group of girls really lived up to karasunos name as "the flightless crows."

Sonmi walked along with the school in her uniform, her hip swayed from side to side as she paced the halls in anticipation. Normally the young girl wasn't the nervous type, but as she heard the noise of her own steps hitting the tiles of the floor, all she could feel was the nerve in her stomach grow. All she had to do was ask for tips...right? It's not like she had to get on her hands and knees and beg for them to help her, it's nothing more complicated than that. The hallway grew wider as she walked, it was almost like it was never-ending, or had her nerves started to get the best of her. Today wasn't gonna be the day where Sonmi had admitted her defeat and that her nerves had gotten the best of her. When that day came, that would be the day hell froze over.

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