oo7 ━━ that's all that happened!

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— I guess that wasn't all?

The sounds of Volleyballs being smacked around echoed the gym, there had been a game between the Karasuno boys and the Neighborhood Association, which Sonmi had no idea was made up of old men who used to play with the Karasuno boys' new coach. Sonmi was briefly introduced to Coach Ukai and Takeda by Daichi, who informed the two older men that she was here to practice with the boys. Sonmi was shocked to see them finding no problem with her just wandering around during practice, that was until she realized she would be forced to help around. That meant being there during practice, setting balls for the boys to practice, and picking up all the balls aswell. She basically was a co-manager most of the time when she was here.

This was one of the times Sonmi found herself trying to avoid the balls, she was running around the court picking up balls from the set of the game. Swiftly, she moved around the court in hopes to not get hit by the ball--though this would not be the first time she had been hit by a ball in this gym.

Sonmi had five balls in her hands, she made her way to the basket to put the balls back. Her eyes fixated on the small girl that sat next to ball bin, it was Kami, who had been, or what it looked like to Sonmi, taking off shoes.

"What are you doing?" Sonmi asked, this caused Kami to look up at her in confusion. The two had not talked much in their time together, but being one of the few girls to stay around the gym, they had a certain unspoken bond where they talked and made conversations often. Since the two did not have many girl friends, it was good for both of them to befriend each other.

Kami smiled at her, "Taking off my ballet shoes, I just got here from dance practice." She explained to Sonmi. Kami would not be one to admit she liked people, but she liked Sonmi. Kami took care of the girl after the incident where Tsukishima hit the girls head, since then the pair had a good understanding of each other and decided to band together against the Karasuno boys.

"You dance? How come you never told me?" Sonmi perked up, she sat up a little more excited now.

"Watch out!" Someone called out.

Sonmi and Kami both attempted to protect their heads, placing their arms up in the air and wrapping their heads as shields. A ball suddenly hit the floor right in front of the girls, they both uncovered their heads and looked over to see Tanaka scratching his head with a red face.

"My bad!" Tanaka called out to the girls.

"Watch where you spike that thing!" Kami barked at the boy, his face now an even brighter shade of red, "Are you trying to hit me?"

Tanakas facial expression changed, he now looked more surprised, "N-No! It was a mistake!" Tanaka said, he now sulked back to his team. Bowing and apologizing loud.

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