oo2 ━━ that's the team!

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oo2. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ THAT'S THE TEAM !
— Sorry about our team!

The group of high schoolers looked around, it was a sea of emotions mixed with confusion and happiness as Daichi announced Sonmi becoming an addition to the team. The girl herself stood in shock, she didn't exactly agree to join the team. The girl went to speak up until she was rudely interrupted by her favorite person on the team so far.

"You mean to tell me that," Tsukishima spoke up, "I have to see her every day." His eyes landed on the girl, his blood beginning to boil, he hated the fact that his insults weren't affecting her. Talking to girls wasn't Tsukishimas strong suit and he was unsure, but there was something about this girl that ticked him off.

Sonmi crossed her arms over her chest, "Glad the feeling's mutual." She smiled at the boy, he glared back at her, she had no idea as to why he continuously was attacking the girl, she hadn't done a thing wrong for the boy to despise her. She had never been so confused as to why someone could hold so much animosity towards someone he had just met.

"Tsuki, how hard is it for you to not be a prick?"

Sonmi turned her head, a smile appearing on her face as she realized Kami spoke up, "You do realize she's done nothing to you. She just wants to become better at volleyball, not have an insult battle with you."

"You guys are all being idiots!" Suga suddenly walked in-between the two, he looked up at Tsukishima, "She's got a point, but," He then turned to Kami, "He's just like that with everyone he first meets. So everyone just get over yourselves and just stop fighting."

Daichi nervously laughed as he approached the trio, "Looks like this is a great start to your introduction." He smiled at Sonmi, but something was different about his smile compared to the rest of the team, his smile felt warm and comforting like he had cared for the girl. Daichi already had made Sonmi feel more welcomed to this team than any team she had joined before, she now knew he was a good captain and could definitely see what Michimiya had seen in him.

"Don't let Tsukishima get down on you," A voice from behind her spoke, Sonmi turned her head to see Hinata facing her, "He was rude to pretty much everyone on the team when he first arrived except Yamaguchi."

Sugawara laughed as he approached Sonmi, "He's still pretty mean to Yamaguchi too, and they've been friends since they were little, don't be fooled." Sonmi smiled at the silver-haired boy, he also seemed extremely friendly. It had come off extremely odd that the whole team had been so welcoming to Sonmis' unexpected acceptance to the team except for Tsuki, she could not quite wrap her head around it.

"So you said you're a middle blocker?" Ashai interjected, his hand now scratching the back of his head, he laughed nervously and smiled as he asked, "Aren't you a bit short for that position?" He opened his eyes to see an angered expression on Sonmis face, she lifted her eyebrow and crossed her arms as she looked up at him, "No! You see...I didn't mean that as like an insult!" He could feel himself start to panic, he had not intended to insult the girl, "I just mean like, you only play as a blocker? Not a wing spiker? I honestly would've thought you were the libero you have the perfect build for it!"

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