oo4 ━━ so you don't care?

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oo4. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ SO YOU DONT CARE ?
— Until you work with her!

There had been a lot of worries on Sonmis mind when she thought about coming to the boys team; them possibly turning her away, one of them being obsessed with her; even her volleyball skills sucking so bad they make fun of her. Though, never in a million years, did she think her biggest worry should be their best middle blocker spiking a ball into her face.

Sonmi had never imagined herself opening her eyes to be surrounded by several boys. All their eyes darted around her body, from her face to her legs, all their faces had looks of worry and fear when they looked at her. The young girl was never a fan of attention, whether, in a good or bad way, she hated when all eyes were on her. As soon as she opened her eyes to see the plethora of boys hovering over her, she sat up.

"She lives!" Tanaka yelled, causing all the boys to almost let out a sigh of relief.

Sonmi scooched back slightly from the boys, still because she had been confused, unsure of what exactly was happening, "Why are you- Why is everyone...what happened?" She couldn't even finish any sentence due to the fact that her head started pounding. Her hand went up to her head, "Ow," She felt a bump, "Why does my head hurt?" The girl was trying to recollect her thoughts about what happened, but all she could remember was being in the practice game before everything went fuzzy.

"Maybe because that giant idiot over there smacked a volleyball right in your face." Kageyama spoke, his head signaling over to Tsukishima who had been sitting away from the rest of the team.

"He did what?" Sonmi asked, her face turned red with anger, her tone now dropped from confused to infatuated. Looking over to the blonde, he faced away from his team, looking somewhat upset, maybe he actually had done it by mistake.

Asahi smiled, backing away slightly from the girl to give her some space, "Yeah, I think he took some insults a little too seriously," He spoke, holding out ice to the girl, "We have ice though, and Daichi gonna give him a stern talking to. He's gonna apologize soon hopefully."

"Yeah right, have you met the guy? You'll be lucky if he even acknowledges what he did." Nishinoya butted in, he looked at Asahi and laughed, "But at least you're being hopeful for your lady friend Asahi." He winked, putting his hand on the tall boys' back, still laughing.

"Cut it, Noya, it's not like that." He paused, letting out a sigh, "I'm just trying to be nice, she got hurt." He stated simply, looking back to Sonmi, giving her a warm smile.

Tsukishima could see the rest of his team blabbering like idiots, he hadn't seen what was so wrong with what he did, it was an honest mistake. There had been more times than he could count where Kageyama set the ball right into Hinatas face. He stood by himself in silence with his water bottle in his hand, grimacing alone. The boy hadn't understood what he did wrong, he sat and thought of all the reasons as to why it was wrong, and could only think of one; it was because Sonmi was a girl. None of his team ever seemed to care when it happened to a guy, the only reason they even care is because none of them talk to women and this is the first time they are getting any interactions.

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