oo8 ━━ your best friend is here!

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— You know the one you invited?

Never in a million years did Sonmi think this is what her life would turn into, waking up, going to school, and spending every other second with the Karasuno Boys' volleyball team. But here she was, spending her after school time, throwing balls to help the boys practice for their game against the schools long-lasted rivals, Nekoma high.

Of course, Sonmi had heard the rumors about the team, they were shifty, and often times sneaky with their plays. But from what she knew, the team wasn't good, let alone above average, they were exceptional, but nothing more. This made her ponder about the team, and what tricks they would have up their team.

"This...sucks!" Huffed out Hinata, the boys were practicing their receives, and this was certainly not Hinatas' strong suit, "Its taking me forever to just get the last one!" He whined.

Kageyama rolled his eyes, "Suck it up! Get on with it."

Hinata locked eyes with Sonmi, she was up on the ladder serving balls down to the boys, she smiled at him, "You got this, don't think about it too hard!"

Hinata nodded as she smacked the ball down, her hand felt a small sting, she brought her hand up to her face, staring at her red palm with a smile. The sound of skin hitting the ball echoed through the gym again, Sonmi head shot up like a rocket, seeing the ball up in the air and Hinata on the floor, she smiled, "Way to go Hinata!" She cheered.

The orange haired boy smiled to her from the floor, "Thanks Sonmi." He spoke half out of breath, he stood up and began to walk back in line, but paused as he noticed Tsukishima was now laughing at him, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, It has nothing to to with you." Tsukishima spoke, his eyes now glancing over at Sonmi, "Someone just doesn't know how to set the ball correctly, it's probably why you hit it."

Sonmi rolled her eyes, she shook her head, not giving into Tsukishimas' usual antics, she would rather focus on helping the boys prepare. Maybe she was a little too excited to help a certain third year with his receives as she noticed him walk up, Sonmi face started to glow once again as her eyes locked with Asahis', he grinned at her, this made her heart flutter.

Tsukishima took notice of the Sonmis' dismissal of his insult, which aggravated him. He wasn't sure why he cared so much about it, but the fact that Sonmi was so easily able to brush off his insults made him angry. He just wanted to get a reaction out of her, but why?

"Why do I want her to react to my insults?" Was a question that he found often looming in his mind, "Do I just wanna hurt her feelings? No, that's not it." He kept thinking, "Do I want her attention? No way." He quickly dismissed, shaking his head. His eyes fixated on her once again, "Maybe, Maybe I do just like insulting her."

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