oo9 ━━ there's definitely something there!

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— There's gotta be!

Kami walked around the training camp dorm like a madman, she was on the search for Tanaka, she needed to talk to him. Kami had just finished getting ready and getting ready with Sonmi, this was where Sonmi had told her friend she had a romantic dream about Tsukishima. When Kami heard this, she obviously kept her cool when she told her, button the inside she was going insane. Kami always had a slight feeling there was something way more than insulting between Tsukishima and Sonmi. The brunette was practically running around the dorm looking for her bald headed counterpart, she had to tell him all about Sonmis' dream as well as what she saw between Asahi and Sonmi.


Kamis head whipped around, "Tanaka!" She shouted, "Me, you, Noya, talk, NOW!" She exclaimed.


The three convened in the gym, all near the storage room where no one would hear them. Tanaka and Nishinoya were practically on the edge of their seats with the news Kami was about to break to them. She rushed them into the room and shut the door quickly.

"Guys," She said simply, "I don't even know how to explain this shit."

"You like Tanaka?" Nishinoya spurted.

"No!" Kami exclaimed


"You're in love with Tanaka?"

"Nishinoya this is serious!"

"Is that not serious?" Tanaka questioned, now looking at Kami with pleading eyes.

Kami rolled her eyes, "Nevermind that!" She dismissed, "There's something going on between Sonmi and Asahi."

"Well duh." Nishinoya agreed, "Anyone with eyes could see that."

"No but listen, remember how we all left that little incident with Hinata and Asahi was supposed to walk Sonmi back?" She asked looking for approval from the boys, who then nodded their heads, "Well, last night I left the door open a crack for whenever Sonmi got back, and I heard them talking and I saw them get extremely close."

"Woah did they kiss? Go Asahi!" Tanaka said.

Kami quickly shushed him, "I don't think so but they got pretty close to. They were just talking and there was serious tension there. They hugged for like a full two minutes."

Nishinoya stood there confused, "Okay but, why is this a surprise? Its obvious they like each other so obviously they're gonna show interest."

"You're not letting me finish!" Kami said, now getting the boys full attention, the two looked at each other than back at the small girl, they could only imagine what else was gonna come out of her mouth, "This morning when I was getting ready, Sonmi told me she had a dream that she went on a date," She paused, dragging the suspense, "With Tsukishima."

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