o11 ━━ what's your problem?

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o11. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!
— What's my problem? What's your problem!

A week had gone by since Sonmis' odd encounter with the Karasuno boys, specifically a week since Tsukishima comforted her after she was crying. The young girl had never experienced such an overwhelming time with a group of people, she found it best to keep her distance about hanging around with them. Sonmi made it her mission to not speak to the members of the boys Karasuno volleyball team, she needed a well earned break after the struggle she had been through.

Today was a brand new day for the girl, a rather exciting one for Sonmi. Today was the spring sports assembly, where all teams would be able to have a say in front of the school. Sonmi was certainly the type to love attention, especially in front of large groups of people. She was sad she was not the one to speak in front of everyone, she prided herself in her great public speaking skills. The girl had made sure to look extra pretty today, for no other reason than the assembly. It certainly was not incase she saw a certain team of boys backstage. The small girl put on a small amount of makeup, and even clipped up her white strip of hair, in hopes to hide it. She had her long black hair half up and half down, and wore small white jewelry.

The backstage of their schools stage was cold and empty, there weren't many assemblies or prep rallies held here, so it felt abandoned. Sonmi stood proudly around her teammates, she quickly took note that she was probably amongst the shortest in her team. Sonmi stood between Nozomi Watabe, the teams liberio, and Chizuru Sasaki, another winged spiker on the team. Sonmi had not known much about either of the girls, just that they refuse to come to morning practice that Michimiya had told them about. The black haired girl rolled her eyes when she thought about the girls and their refusal for morning practice, they all knew their team sucked and they still refused to practice when the captain asked them too. But Sonmi wasn't gonna be one to start problems and call them out on it, she instead found a different way to practice outside of her teams practices, which ended up back firing on her, but at least she took the initiative to try.

Sonmi stood in line, calm and collected, until the next sport group was called. Instead of the Karasuno boys soccer team being in front of them, now the Karasunos boys volleyball team stood in her presence. The teams stood toe to toe, with the captains at the front of the lines, while the rest of the teams stood in their number orders.

And just by Sonmis' luck, there she stood in front of the boy she had been attempting to avoid.

There he was, Kei Tsukishima, the most confusing boy ever. Sonmi could use the whole dictionary to explain that boy. Tsukishima met Sonmi about a month ago, in which their first encountered included: Tsukishima insulting her to no end, Tsukishima slamming a ball into her face making her pass out, and even refusing to apologize to the girl. It was all up until a week ago, after the practice match against Nekoma, that Tsukishima started acting differently towards her. Sonmi walked home sad, only for Tsukishima to come and console her.

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