o14 ━━ can we talk?

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o14. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ Can we talk?
— Talk about what?!

Long and Awkward was the only way to explain the walk to Sonmis' home, the pair had not spoken in a matter of a few days which only added to the oddness of them being together. It was a dark and cold night, so cold one could see their breath when breathing out. The sun had set about ten minutes into their walk, and a light breeze made its way through the streets. The streets were lowly lit with street lamps, making it hard for the pair to even look over at each other.

Sonmi was trying her best to act like she wasn't sick, often stifling back coughs and sneezes or just trying to not pass out. The girl was walking with her arms crossed, rubbing her forearms. The girl was never a fan of the cold, and certainly, not now, she was beyond freezing and was barely wearing a jacket. Sonmi was also trying not to die of embarrassment as she quickly realized how bad she looked, green sweats with a blue tank top, no makeup, her hair was not done, and to top it off she was not wearing a bra. The girl was struggling to hide her sickness, seeing as she lied to Tsukishima when he asked if she was, "Why did he even care?" She asked herself repeatedly in her head, she looked out of the corner of her eye up at the blonde boy.

Tsukishima obviously could tell Sonmi was staring at him, which only caused him to look down at her. This made the two quickly both look back in front of them, continuing the awkward walk. The walk was fairly short, but it felt like hours to Sonmi.

Tsukishima looked down at Sonmi once again, he took note of her hands rubbing her arm, "If you're cold you can have my jacket."

Sonmi looked over at the boy as if he was crazy, for starters it was deathly cold outside, like cold enough to freeze an ear or two off. Then again, it was Kei Tsukishima we were talking about, he probably wasn't being serious, "Haha," She fakely laughed, "Very funny."

"I'm being serious." He stated, not flinching to look at the girl, "I kinda like the cold."

Sonmi again was left in shock. This was something Tsukishima never ceased to do to the girl, all he did was constantly surprise her, whether it was by being mean or showing a more genuine and kind side. But this didn't stop her stubborn nature, "Well, I don't like the cold."

"Really Couldn't tell." He spoke.

How could two people be so vastly different, but yet so similar?

Sonmi scoffed, continuing to walk completely ignoring Tsukishimas comment. The girl wasn't even that cold, nor did she want to wear his coat out of everyone in the world. Her arms did begin feeling a tad numb from the cold breeze that graced them, but she still continued to ignore his offer.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes, "Stubborn as ever I see. Nothing new."

Sonmi whipped her head towards him, "You know, you can leave." She emphasized each word, "I never asked for you to walk with me remember, YOU offered." She now crossed her arms, looking forward in the distance.

"I know." Tsukishima spoke, "I wanted to."


He shrugged, looking down at the girl with a glim look. He really had no idea why he offered to walk her home, he had no idea where she lived nor how far it was from his own home. He was unsure why he was even still there, in that moment he thought about leaving the girl, but for some unexplainable reason, couldn't bring himself to.

The walk continued to be quiet, with neither party speaking to the other. Other than a simple, 'turn this way' or 'cross here', the pair just walked in complete silence. Though it was quiet, both of their minds couldn't help but have millions of thoughts run through their heads. The pair stood fair from each other when the walk began but now they walked much closer, mere hairs separating the distance between the two. No one could ever explain how the two would run away from each other but always find their paths crossing each other again, it was like something was forcing them to be together but no one could ever explain it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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