o13 ━━ i was worried about you!

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o13. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ I was worried about you!
— You were worried about me? Yeah right!

Gloomy, was one word to describe JEON SONMI, her feet felt heavy, and her head pounded as her alarm continued to ring through her room. The young girl looked around her dark room, only a glimmer of light was coming through the window, just enough to help her see the objects that lined her counters and floor. Dirty clothes filled her floor space, most of them being outfits she cycled through in the last week, while her counters had countless cups and bowls filled with various soups and hot teas.

Sonmi had been graced with the gift of the common cold only a week following the inter-high preliminaries. This, to her benefit, was perfect timing. Ever since the preliminaries, she had been doing her best to avoid most of the people in her life.

Shortly after Tsukishima comforted Sonmi at the tournament, the girl left. She hadn't seen the point in staying because her team lost. That was until, Tsukishima asked Sonmi to watch their next game, which was a questionable move from Tsukishima. Sonmi had no idea what angle the boy was coming from, was he just trying to be mean to he actually hated her? Was he being nice because he felt bad for the torment he put the girl through? Maybe he was mean because he liked her?

Sonmi sternly declined his offer, she was still in denial about the fact that Tsukishima was now being nice to her. The young girl knew in the back of her mind, that its all an act and he was only doing it to reel her in and hurt her even worse. It was almost like he was treating her like a yo-yo, and back and forth, a push and pull. Tsukishima pushed her further, even going as far as to say 'he would appreciate it if she came and supported the team'.

Yeah right, as if he means that.

Sonmi had met the true blonde middle blocker on multiple occasions, she knew he would never enjoy knowing her presence was there. He would rather throw up than be around her more than he had to--or so she thought.

"Sonmi!" A voice interjected.

This shout sent chills down Sonmis' back, she wrapped her head under her comforter, now ignoring the voice and the sound of her alarm clock.

"Sonmi!" The voice called once again, a sound of approaching footsteps following behind it. The door swung open, with the person making this swift motion to shut the alarm off, "Are you deaf?"

"I wish." Sonmi grumbled.

JEON SHUICHI looked down at his little sister, barely able to see her. His eyes wandered over to her window, making his way over to it. He opened the window, allowing the sun to shine into the dark room, "Rise and shine."

Sonmi moaned, "What do you want?"

Shuichi quirked an eyebrow, "That's no way to talk to your older brother Som." The boy stared down at the girl, engulfed in her blanket, "You need to get up. It's three in the afternoon."

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