oo6 ━━ or was it?

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oo6. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ OR WAS IT?
— it's just nothing right?

Her feet hit the gym floor, she took a deep breath in as she took a look around. This is one of those moments when she knew this was something she loved, the fresh smell of volleyball, the sight of the net being put up, the sunlight seeping through the windows, all of it was what made Sonmi love this sport so much. The young girls' eyes gazed around the gym, the sun peaked through the windows, and the gym floor was just freshly cleaned from after the bopys' practice. She stepped through the door of the gym, her feet beginning to wander, sure she had been in the gym before, but this time felt different. She was here for a different purpose this time, she had more motivation and drive this time around. Sonmi was here to get better at something she loved.

The girl loved being in this gym alone, just moments before she had been waiting outside the gym, listening to the sounds of all the boys in here. Sonmi didn't intend to ease drop on the boys but she was known to always be early to events since being early is on time in her mind. When all the boys had started to make their way out of the gym, they were all surprised to see Sonmi outside the doors with her bag. She could tell some of them were fitting the puzzle pieces together and some thought she was just there to say hi. After talking to some of the boys was when she walked into the gym, finally being by herself in the gym had made her feel so small.

The sounds of another presence's footsteps echoed through the gym, "Are you gonna sit and watch me do nothing?" She turned her head in the direction of the monotone voice, "Or, are you gonna come and practice?" Tsukishima motioned his hand towards the net, his facial expression read as annoyed, the usual, before he continued to speak, "I don't have all day, plus I'm not obligated to do this." The boy knew that was a lie, he didn't have to, but it was either this or get benched the rest of the season. Plus, for an odd reason he could not figure out, ever since their conversation in her classroom, he had decided he wanted to help her.

Sonmi stared at the boy as he served a ball over the net, she laughed as the words left his mouth, "Oh, yeah! Because, you're just doing this out of the kindness of your heart?" She chuckled as the ball finally hit the floor, "Didn't you have to do this or get benched?" The girl loved using that soul purpose against him, she found it funny how he pretended to be a nice person to her, "You are trying to play the nice guy card and pretend you're doing this to be nice? Since when have you ever been nice to me?"

"Maybe I wanna change that, or maybe I'm actually trying to just help you, ever thought about that?" He stated, the boy refused to look in the girls' direction, the blonde instead gave her a side-eye, before making his way to the basket full of volleyballs, "You know, I'm supposed to be the sarcastic one. Not you."

"I'm well aware, but sadly for you," Sonmi made her way over to Tsuki, who now stood with a ball in hand, "This is my natural personality." She laughed as she took the ball out of his hand. She walked over to the end of the court, before attempting to serve the ball over the net. The feeling of the ball leaving her hands, going up into the air until it made its way back down, and her hand slapped the ball.

The two watched the ball in the air for what felt like hours, it made its way towards the net—until the sound of the ball hitting the net echoed through the gym. The ball fell to the gym floor, but unlike Tsukishimas' ball, it had not made its way over the net.

Sonmi looked over at Tsukishima, only to realize he was covering his mouth trying not to laugh, "Nice try," He laughed, picking up another ball and handing it over to her, "But we have a lot of work to do." He remarked as he walked over to the girl.

Her face flushed red, "I usually serve well!" She explained, "I just happened to not make it over this one time! I swear I'm better than that!" The girl felt so embarrassed at this moment, this wasn't something she often experienced. Usually, Sonmi kept herself level-headed and could keep her cool, but in his moment she couldn't help but try to make excuses for her mistake.

"Yeah Yeah, all I hear is excuses." Tsukishima stated bluntly, "Then again, you are Sonmi so I shouldn't expect anything less from you." He looked down at her, watching as her face turned from a happier gaze to a look where she was ready to murder him, this was something he loved to watch. The boy did want to have a fresh start and become nicer to the girl, but he couldn't help but jab at the girl every now and then.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sonmi looked up at the boy, he had a smug look on his face, indicating he knew he struck a nerve. The girl knew exactly what he meant, but the anger rushed to her head so rapidly that it was the only thing she could get out of her mouth. Since the first day she met Tsukishima and told her what position she played, he made it his mission to make fun of her for it. Sonmi still could not piece together what vendetta he had against her, and she was not buying into his clean slate ploy either.

Tsukishimas' smug looked now turned into a fake friendly look as he spoke to the angered girl, "I'm saying you're too short for the position you play and no matter how much you practice you'll probably never be able to be a good middle blocker. You're better off being a libero or even a setter." He knew this was harsh and it was going to hurt the girls' feelings, but when had he ever cared about someones' feelings? Why was he trying so hard to spare her feelings, it's not like he liked her, right?

"You know you're such an asshole." Sonmi suddenly muttered, "It's like you hate me or something, but why would you even hate me? I have done absolutely nothing for you to hate me." She tried to sound more calm, but it was hard when she was getting so agitated.

Tsukishima found this so amusing, Sonmi continued to bicker at him and all he could do was smile, "It's so cu-," He paused before finishing, realizing what he almost said, "fun, watching you get all mad over me insulting you. I thought being sarcastic was your natural personality?" He smirked, knowing this would make her shut up, "Can you not take sarcasm?"

Sonmis yelling quickly came to halt, she stared at the boy in awe when she realized he did this all to simply prove a point. She had so many things she wanted to say to him at this moment--instead, the girl looked back up at the boy, pushing her finger into his chest before speaking, "I'm gonna be the best middle blocker you've ever seen, just you wait."

Tsukishima stared at the girl, he smiled as he looked into her green eyes. He saw the determination in her eyes, he took this as a good sign. He could feel her demeanor change, she had passion and drive, all because of him, he couldn't help but smile. But something felt different when he stared at the girl, he admired little qualities on her face as she smiled at him. Her soft rosy cheeks, her long silky black hair, her pretty green eyes, and her small but prominent lips, he could've stared at her for a while longer but the girl wisped away towards the basket of volleyballs.

"Are you gonna sit and watch the net do nothing," He shook his head to see her once again looking at him, snapping out of the trance, but he couldn't help but stare at her, "Or, are you gonna come and practice?" Sonmi joked with him, but this joke was the most friendly she had been towards the boy.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes as he made his way over to her, "Whatever." He walked past her, now reaching into the basket of balls and grabbing one, "Lets' practice your blocks since serves clearly aren't your strong suit." He couldn't help but tease her, he looked down at her to see if he once again upset her.

At first, Sonmi had an angry expression on her face, which quickly worried Tsuki, before she smiled and laughed at the boy. Sonmi didn't take this joke so hard, but instead, it made her happy. This made Tsuki take a mental sigh of relief as he smiled with the girl. His stomach started to feel odd, it felt like it was doing a backflip, this was a new feeling for Tsuki, he was unsure of what it was, but he chose to ignore it. He thought to himself, "It's nothing."

Or was it?

who else loves filler???? not me. but this sets up so much so pls enjoy.
love you bffs xoxox pls comment and vote <3

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