o12 ━━ where's your spark?

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o12. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ Where's your spark?
— Shut up!

Today, was the day, but not just any simple day. It was the fateful day, the day Jeon Sonmi had been working so diligently for, the inter-high preliminaries. The day Sonmi had dreamed of this day since first joining the girls' team at the beginning of the year.

Sonmi had a twinkle in her eye as she looked around the big school, her eyes wandered from team to team. The young girl wondered what the teams worked like, were they well-oiled machines, or more like her own team which was as dysfunctional as they could be.

"I'm getting nervous." A girl spoke as Sonmi sat down on the floor.

"I know, right? Another girl responded.

Sonmi wasn't too interested in the conversation, she didn't wanna blow up her nerves more than they already were. Her insides felt like mush, and her stomach was in a knot, there was no point focusing in on her nerves at the moment. Instead, the young girl was trying to focus on stretching as much as she could before the match. She had heard rumors of the team they were put against, both good and bad things, but she guessed that didn't help her teammates feel any better about the upcoming game.

"Did you see our opponents' spikes when they were practicing?"

"They're not in the last years best eight for nothing! I'm praying for the ball not to come to me!"

Sonmi rolled her eyes at her teammates' remarks, they all knew they had time to go out and get better, but they instead did nothing to better themselves, even going as far as skipping morning practices, "Maybe you should've shown up to morning practices." She spoke.

The comment from Sonmi caused some of her teammates to give her a odd glare, but Sonmi didn't seem to care. She took pride in always standing by what she says, and right now was one of those moments. She went back to stretching, she spread her legs out and would try to get her fingers to touch her toes.

To the girls left was Michimiya, who had stopped her stretching. Sonmi took note of this sudden change, and looked to her captain, "Looking back... We had so much time. We could've trained so much more. We could've done so much more." Michimiya started, looking almost teary eyed.

"Yui," Alhara started, "It's too late for all that."

Michimiya stood up, her shoulders back, and she tried to smile brightly, "But those things don't matter anymore! The tournament whistle will blow in 45 minutes. All we can do now is get warmed up and right to the end with all our might! And...let's win!" Michimiya spoke proudly, she emphaszied every word in her speech hoping to motivate her teammates. She began to take her jacket off, causing Sonmi and the rest of the team to do the same. This revealed all the teams jerseys and every started to smile, Michimiya looked around and felt a moment of pride, "Huddle up everybody! Form a circle." She spoke, placing her hand in the middle of all the girls, causing the rest of the girls to do the same.

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