o10 ━━ you confuse me!

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o10. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ YOU CONFUSE ME!
— Yeah, so do you!

Sonmis' head had been scrambled, ever since she started coming to the practice camp with the boys, everyone had been acting extremely weird. For starters, Asahi had barely been talking to her since the night he walked her to her room. She knew they never talked much in the first place but she thought they would talk more after that. Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Kami had always been talking together, whispering about her, or well she thought since they had constantly been talking and then looking over at her. Then, the worst of it, Tsukishima had been avoiding her all together, ever since the day he yelled at her and then apologized, he had not even looked in the girls general direction.

She felt alone.

Though the girl had been surrounded by people constantly, she felt she had no one to confide in. She couldn't even talk to anyone because everyone she trusted on the team was either not talking to her or talking about her. The girl sat alone on the bus on the way back from the Nemoka match, in the back of the bus, her headphones were on and she wouldn't dare to look anywhere but the window. The girl hoped this window could bring her comfort like the window from her school seat, sunlight and beautiful clouds, but instead she was greeted with dark clouds and a dark sky. She could feel peoples eyes on her, but she couldn't bare looking back without letting out a tear.

What had she done?

Sonmi kept thinking, what did she do? Why was everyone treating her this way?


Her ears perked up as she looked away from the window for a second, there it was, a glimmer of hope, someone was finally talking to her. Her eyes met with Asahis' eyes, her heart fluttered as a smile appeared on her face, "Hi Asahi." She said, "Whats up?" She asked cheerfully.

"Do you think you could check to see if my shoe slid under your seat? It fell out of my gym bag and slid down the bus."

Her heart sunk, or more like popped like a ballon, "Sure." She spoke quietly, looking under the seat, seeing nothing, "Sorry, it's not here." She spoke quietly, she didn't look at him when she spoke, she instead stared at the window as tears formed in her eyes, she quickly turned her music on and blasted it in her ears.

"Thanks Sonm—" Was all she heard the boy reply before she turned her music up.

Sonmi felt his presence gone, she once again felt alone. She wasn't sure why this suddenly mattered to her, she was usually alone in her life, she did things on her own, so why not was it bothering her? Maybe it was because this was the first time she hadn't been alone for a while, she had people she could talk to and rely on, and here she was again, somehow managing to drive everyone away from her.

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