oo5 ━━ here you are!

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oo5. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ HERE YOU ARE !
— sitting in front of me like an idiot!

It was a fresh day at Karasuno high, a little more than handful of hours since the so-called incident in the gymnasium. Little to Sonmis' classmates' knowledge, the reason she had a headache in class wasn't because of the weather changing. But instead, it was due to someone in their own grade level having some odd vendetta against the girl in a harmless game of volleyball.

Sonmi had done her best to cover up the bruise on her forehead, thankfully it wasn't super dark so a little bit of makeup fixed her head right up. She struggled in the bathroom for some privacy while trying to cover her bruise, but she eventually found the time to get it all covered. Though the incident had bothered her the day before, today Sonmi was trying to look at things with a new outlook, and decided to not take what happened to heart. Maybe it was just some sign that she wasn't meant to practice with the boys, she decided maybe she was better suited to just practice by herself, she is after all, her own number one fan, after her brother of course.

Most student athletes always had received praise and support from their parents, but Sonmis' [aremts were the exception. Her parents were extremely busy, barely ever having time to come to her games and show their support. Sure they had bought Sonmi things to help her succeed, like practice clothes, shoes, and even her own volleyball net in her background, but Sonmi could not remember the last time her parents had showed up to one of her games.

There was one seat by the window, this seat was the normal seat Somni would take. She sat behind some girl who was way too energetic for her own good, but crazy smart, this honestly took Sonmi for surprise but who was she to judge. Sonmi probably looked like she didn't belong in this class as well, always dressing in her bows and small jewelry, not to mention her always talking about volleyball or tutoring. The seat was always accompanied by warm sunlight and the view of the horizon over the boys' gym, Sonmi was grateful no one seemed to take her seat that graced her with the lighting and view, it was always a good start to her day, motivating her to do better each day.

As Sonmi sat down in her usual seat, she felt a sense of comfort. She really needed this small escape and comfort, especially since the series of events that took place yesterday. Looking ahead, she smiled seeing the usual girl take a seat in front of her. Her blonde hair was all down besides one piece she put up in a small ponytail holder, the ponytail holder was multi-color and in the shape of a star.

"I like your ponytail holder." Somni finally spoke, this action surprised her, she wasn't sure why she wanted to strike up a conversation with this girl shes' spoken to once or twice maybe. Sonmi could only assume it was because she got hit in the head so hard it made her want to be social all of the sudden, or maybe it was just because she was having a good morning. For whatever reason it was, Sonmi felt happy to make the small comment.

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