Two | Aston Martin

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Dad picked Zaire, Zayden and me from the school, usually one of the drivers does but if anyone is free among Dad or the Uncles, then they come to pick us up.

I was happy to see Dad and told him about my day at school back home and he listened to me patiently.

Zaire and Zayden told him about their day too, copying me and making me glare at them.

Soon we reached their home and Dad got out and carried their school bags to their door where Aunty Chiara was waiting for them.

I waved at her and she waved back too, blowing me a kiss.

Dad returned and I asked him as he drove out of there, "Dad, what are you getting me for my birthday?"

He glanced at me in the rearview mirror. "Whatever you want, Cel."

"A moon?"

He chuckled softly. "I swear I would have already bought you that if it was possible."

"Why is it not possible?"

"'s just...not."

I huffed. "Fine. Then something else."


On the ride back home, I thought about what I would like to have for my birthday.

Reaching home, I rushed inside, going to the kitchen where Mom was working and I hugged her from behind.

"Hey, baby. How was your day?" She picked me up in her arms and smiled at me.



"And there's this boy in my class, he tried to take away my pencil, I punched him and he was such a crybaby that he cried the whole day."

Mom looked shocked and not pleased to hear that but at the same moment, Dad entered, coming to stand behind Mom and he ruffled my hair. "I'm proud of you, Cel."

Mom shot him a glare and elbowed him. "Silvio! You should not encourage this."

"That was a self-defence, mia luna," Dad argued.

"Exactly!" I grinned.

"No," Mom said sternly. "You don't have to solve everything with violence, next time complain it to your teacher, hmm?"

"Ugh, that's so boring."

Mom's eyes narrowed at me and Dad stepped back, shaking his head at me, silently telling me not to listen to her.

Just for her sake, I nodded while grinning at Dad.

"Okay, I am going to see Ada and Kian now." I wriggled in her arms and she lowered me down on the floor.

She looked ready to argue with Dad but he kissed her on the lips. Eww, gross.

I quickly ran away from there.

After seeing my siblings and cousins, I changed my clothes and roamed around the house, bored when I stumbled upon one of the guest rooms in the left wing.

The door was slightly opened and I peeked inside, surprised to find the same man who was here yesterday. Armano's uncle.

What was his name...? Something with A...

Arnaud. Yes.

But why is he staying here?

He lay on the bed on his back, staring at the ceiling with a frown on his face which made him look scary unlike how nice he seemed yesterday.

Here With Me [The Ludovicas: Second Generation Book One]Where stories live. Discover now