Nine | I Volunteer

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My head was aching pretty badly making me regret drinking last night.

With a groan, I rolled over only to bump my face against something warm and soft enough to snuggle with.

Did Ada sneak into my room last night or maybe Kian but then he is not very touchy type.

Opening my eyes, I found my face pressed to the side of someone's chest.

Shit. Did I spend last night with Francis? No. Dad sent him away...and he doesn't smell this good.

I slowly leaned back to get a good look and I felt relieved when I realised that it was Arnaud.

Oh. He must have brought me home with him, though I have been here before but I never spent the night.

Arnaud slept on his back, one arm resting on his abdomen while the other was stretched over the pillow and I was pressed to his side.

He looked so stressed even as he slept, lips curled down, brows furrowed together--

I gasped softly when I noticed the stitched cut on the side of his forehead, looking red with dried blood around it.

What the fuck? What happened last night?

Lifting my hand, I gently brushed my finger around it when his eyes snapped open and he grabbed my wrist as if expecting an attack.

"It's me", I whispered.

His eyes softened and he released my hand, sighing. "Hey."

His voice has always been deep but the way it sounded so hoarse and sleepy was quite surprising.

Ugh, what am I even thinking? Stupid.

I cleared my throat. "What happened?"

He turned to his side, propping himself up with the support of his elbow.

He looked so exhausted that I regretted waking him up but all that thought vanished as our eyes locked together.

"There was an attack last night."

That sentence was enough to bring me out of whatever daze I was in. "What?! When? Where?"

"Everyone's okay." He assured me, taking my hand and holding it against his chest, caressing my wrist. "There was a small explosion in the garden which was quite harmless but then some shots were fired by whoever the hell they were."

"No one got hurt?" I confirmed.

"Um...well, Kian was trying to be brave and fight while Silvio was trying to get him to safety when your dad got hit by a bullet in his bicep but he is alright."

Oh God. I need to go home.

I pulled away from him but he held me tighter. "Calm down, angel."

"Dad..." A lump formed in my throat.

"He is okay, Celestine. Just give me a moment and I will drop you home, hmm?"

"No. I can go on my own..." My eyes went to his forehead. "How did you...? Are you okay?"

He nodded. "It's just a cut, I have had worse."

I didn't want to think about him having worse injuries. Just a cut was enough to make me worry about him.

Here With Me [The Ludovicas: Second Generation Book One]Where stories live. Discover now