His favorite place to kiss you

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Short once again, I'm so sorry about this but I'm kinda busy now but I promise that I'll start writing longer things soon.


Enjoy and thanks for reading.


Tony Stark (Iron Man):


There was a boy that you met in high school, you hadn't seen each other in years so when you saw each other again, you made a few plans for the next day to drink something together. Tony wasn't very pleased about the news (that JARVIS told him!) so that night in a steamy moment, he started to suck marks into the skin of your neck. Next day Tony came with you and the guy backed off quite quickly. Now he still does it every day, it can be a sweet kiss, a steamy kiss or a hickey. 

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Your shoulders

A few months ago Clint had shot one of his arrows into your right shoulder, it took a few weeks before the wound was healed. Of course Clint felt guilty and was very sorry for what he had done so he tried getting the wound to heal faster by pressing kisses to it, even now that it was healed he still pressed his lips to your shoulder.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

Your forehead

Steve always wanted to make sure that you were fully convinced or safe, it began with a kiss on your forehead when you woke up after a nightmare, he discovered that it calmed you down and made you feel a little bit more safer about things. So whenever he knew you were going to worry or you were scared, he would kiss your forehead and let his lips linger for a few seconds before telling you that it was going to be okay.

Thor Odinson (Thor): 

Your cheek

Thor was an Asgardian gentleman, always making sure to give you enough love and enough attention. You were both also a big fan of oversleeping, even when there was a alarm that should wake you up, so when he was in a rush after he woke up late he would just kiss your cheek a few times before he left for work.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk): 

Your nose

He thought you were an absolute cutie and he always thought that nose kisses were the cutest thing ever, he went from actual kisses on your nose to Eskimo kisses (rubbing your noses together). He would do it all day, just through the hours that he was working, before you went to sleep and when you woke up.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

The corner of your mouth

There was one word in his mind when he saw you doing something: teasing. He loved to tease you by doing different things that popped into his mind but his favorite was when you asked him for a kiss, he would lean forward and quickly press his lips to the corner of your mouth, not really touching your lips and that drove you insane. You would pout and he would of course give in, pecking your lips Mostly after the teasing part there would be a make out session.

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