Secret he keeps

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A/N: it seems ages ago that I've been able to write something but finally I found a short amount of time to write this shitty preference.Like it's really bad but I really don't have time to write now. Hope you all have a very nice day,



Tony Start (Iron Man)

He loves you

We are speaking of the first 5 months of your relatioship when he was hiding this from you. Most of the times he tried to tell himself that he only liked you, he made you believe that there was nothing more than liking each other. But after another few months he finally reaized that he actually loved you, he kept it for himself as long as he could. On the day you had been together for one year, he finally revealed his secret and made you the happiest girl.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

A ring

Not just a ring, but the ring he would propose with. He kept it in his closet between some t-shirts so that you couldn't find it. Clint wanted to wait until the time was right, so one day he came home from a mission, finally ready to pop the question. The only problem was that you were cleaning the closet: you just took the pile of shirts and a small package fell out from in between them. And you were about to open it when Clint entered the bedroom. In the end he proposed to you at that moment, not very romantic but still cute.

Steve Rogers (Captain America)


It's not really a secret but it was something that meant a lot to Steve, he had a black box that he kept under the bed with a lock on it. You were always asking what was inside and even joked about it but little did you know that they were letters from Steve's mom, written for his true love. After a year of having a great love life with him, he finally let you open the box, there were 366 letters inside of it, one for every day that you could spend with Steve. When you opened the last letter there was a necklace inside and a small note too "This is for you my dear, it's Steve's favorite. And you are his favorite too"

Thor Odinson (Thor)

Your wedding date

Thor wanted to surprise you this year on Valentine's day, he had asked Steve for some advice because he had no idea what that day was supposed to mean. Soon he found out that Valentine's day was a day where couples show each other their love, and Thor started thinking about the perfect present for you. That's when he thought about what he dreamt the day before, a beautiful wedding with the love of his life. He tries to plan everything and get everything ready so that you can't find out about it yet. You will be so surprised.

Loki Laufeyson (Loki)

A bracelet

It wasn't just a bracelet, he gave it to you on your birthday. It was gold and had green diamonds in it, just like Loki wanted it to have but there was a trick about the bracelet. There was one diamond that had a small transmittor in it, so that he knew that you were always safe, and if you weren't then he would go and find you in time. You never knew about it until Loki told you that he would always want you safe, he loved you too much to let something happen. And that moment you found out about the transmittor

 Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

He brought you back to life

One day you woke up in your bed, you couldn't remember what happened the day before and surely not how you got into your bed. You felt as if you started over in your life again so your boyfriend Bruce had to guide you through it all again until you felt comfortable again. You started to remember what happened right after he told you that he loved you, that's how you found out that you got hit by a car after you bought your wedding dress

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

Your daughter

You asked him to keep it a secret yourself, Bucky was the only one of your entire family how she looked. It was a dark day when you had to go to the hospital, it smelled even worse than 3 days ealier. That day, they told you that your little daughter wasn't living inside your stomach and so you were there again to give birth. Bucky held her, Bucky knew how she looked and what the color of her eyes was. The secret was like your baby girl's eyes; closed forever.

Pietro Maximoff

He misses you

He loves giving you attention, he loves being with you and giving you all the affection and kisses that you need. Sometimes it just feels as if he doesn't miss you when he's on a mission, he never texts, calls or makes a skype call just to hear your voice for a short while. Once he was on a mission for 4 months, he came home with tears in his eyes. Murmuring in your neck about how he missed you so much, he looked at your photo's every day and listened to the recorder conversations you had. He did miss you.

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