Voicemail he leaves you

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A/N: Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay another update even though I didn't have much time, thank you for reading and I hope that you like it. Enjoy it!!!!

I'm sorry my work is depressing, I'm just too far into my depression that I can't think of anything good


Tony Stark (Iron Man)

"Baby girl, I understand that you probably aren't too happy right now. It was our special day and still I left you at 5 in the morning as if you are one of my one night stands again, please forgive me because I'm really sorry and I have a surprise planned for the both of us when I am home again. Have a nice day and go out and buy yourself some new lingerie with my credit card, see you later tonight. love you baby girl"

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

"Hey love, I heard from Natasha that you were sick and since I'm on a mission I can't really take care of you. Hopefully you are feeling a bit better already but I think that you are having a nap right now since you didn't pick up the phone. Anyways take your medicine, keep yourself tucked in in bed and drink some soup so that you become better soon. I'll be home tomorrow, feel better soon. Loads of cuddles for my sick cutie"

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

"Darling I'm standing there right now, the store that you told me to go to. I'm at the aisle with all the lady products that you use. You told me to buy you tampons but there are so many and in so many different boxes, I really can't remember which sort that you bought the last time. You aren't picking up but please call me back soon because people are looking at me weirdly. Love you darling"

Thor Odinson (Thor)

"Hello my lady, finally I have figured out how that I can use this phone to call you. I might have had some problems with the television in your living room, it did not want to listen to what I told it to do so I told him that I would kill it. Of course I will fix him for you my lady, I know how much you love to look at it. Have a great day, I will see you in 149 minutes. Love for my lady"

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

"So I hope that you still remembered about our date that we have tonight, it's been so long since we had some time together and I actually look forward to spending time with you again. The dress that you might want to wear is on our bed and your shoes are at the nightstand. I will pick you up around 7 this evening, can't wait to see you and take you out to our special place. Love you!"

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

"It's been 10 days since I've seen your pretty face, I understand why you did that though. I understand why you walked away from me after so many fights, we both know that these past days weren't easy for us but I will never give up on you or our relationship. You mean everything to me and all the time we had together can make up for all the fights we ever had so please when you hear this come home and we will talk this out. I'll love you forever my princess."

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

"S-sorry Angel to disturb you this late in the night but I couldn't handle it alone anymore. I needed to talk to someone, I thought they left my head but I just had another nightmare and it was worse than ever before. I killed you because you were my mission, I hope it didn't happen for real. P-please come to the tower, I need hugs and someone to hold me and make me fall asleep again. I'm so sorry, I love you so much"

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