Nap Time ➳ Tony Stark

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A/N: I really stopped getting ideas for preferences, and I'm sorry if any of you wante a part two on my Clint one shot. I have many ideas for a second part but I just can't put it into words like I want to do it. My laptop is being a dickkkkkkkkkk. Thank you so much for reading this story, I know it's not a good story at all but still all of you still read it every day. I love all of you so so much.

Goodnight or goodmorning



"S-seriously, can we just nap?" You asked again, pressing a hand against Tony's chest so that you could take a much needed breath. "I like sleeping, you know that."

"Oh I like sleeping too," Tony grinned, before swooping down to tug on your ear lobe with his teeth while he muttered; "Just a very different kind of sleeping."

"T-Tony," You pressed again, struggling to keep your voice from shaking as his mouth moved down to nip at your neck. His hips were pressed harshly against your own, his hip bones pressing into you through your jeans. "Please baby, we already did this earlier this morning..."

"That was how many hours ago?" He asked, and you could almost hear his smirk. His hands were on your hips then, quickly snapping them up and into his own. You couldn't help the low groan that escaped you.

"Sex is sex T," You mumbled breathlessly, eyes closed as he ran his tongue across your collar bone. "Can't...can't it wait unt-until maybe an hour from now?" Your body was humming from his ministrations and as much as you'd wanted a nap, sex was becoming quite tempting.

"We can nap after, and bask in the after glow of post coitus," He grinned, hands slipping down to grip your ass. "Cuddling naked is the best part."

"Tony no," You whined, yelping when he pinched your ass before pushing you harder into the wall he had you pinned against.

"Y/N yes," He growled, biting your lip before gently tugging on it and sucking it into his mouth. You let out a quiet moan, back involuntarily arching into him. This all felt too good, especially when he started grinding you, his crotch pressed tightly against your own. "Oh, Tony-"

"Hey guys, have you seen-Oh God, again?! Seriously?!"

Both you and Tony jumped apart, startled, when the door to Tony's lab slid open and Bruce stepped in, looking incredibly red and incredibly flustered.

"Do you really have to-you know-" He was shielding his eyes with his clipboard. "-Have sex again on my workspace?"

Tony was staring at him with a blank expression before he rolled his eyes and started to grin. "Do you really have a problem with it, Greeney?"

"Tony!" You hissed, slapping his chest. You were blushing heavily, and carefully avoiding looking anywhere but at Bruce. This was so embarrassing, and most definitely not the first time you had been caught.

"I'm so sorry Bruce, we'll be leaving now," You spoke quietly to him, tugging a complaining Tony out behind you. Bruce's entire face and neck were flushed a deep pink. Oh my god, this was so embarrassing. How were you even going to be able to look at him at dinner tonight?!

After the door to the lab had closed, and you and Tony were well past being able to be heard by poor Brucie, you whirled around and slapped Tony in the arm.

"Ouch!" He shouted, looking hurt as he reached up to rub his arm. "What was that for?!"

"I told you I just wanted a nap and now Bruce is probably mortified and I am too!" You exclaimed, glaring at your ridiculously cheeky boyfriend.

"Oh he's fine," Tony said, waving a hand at you in dismissal. "He's an adult, you think he doesn't know that two other adults have sex Y/N?"

"That's not the point!" You hissed, glaring up at him. "I'M embarrassed too!"

"Oh baby," He cooed, pulling you into his chest. You let out a huff, pouting as you allowed him to rub your back. It WAS embarrassing when people caught you and Tony getting hot and heavy. Obviously people knew that you were sexually active but still! You could at least keep it private!

You frowned when you felt Tony's hand start to slide downwards until suddenly he was squeezing your ass. "Tony," You warned.

"How 'bout here in the hallway? How hot do you think that would be?"

"Tony, no!"

"Hmmm, too bad."

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