Quotes that describe your love

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A/N: GOOD MORNING, for once in my life I actually slept without waking up at 5am, what a wonderful time.

Hope you guys have a nice day!


Tony Stark (Iron Man):

My brain didn't choose you, my heart did

One day Tony was looking for some cute quotes to write in a surprise card for your aniverssary so he googled some love quotes and searched for a long time, not really finding one that he liked at first but then he found the quote "My brain didn't choose you, my heart did". Because he was so smart but his min didn't choose you, it came from his heart.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Somewhere in between our laughs, our long talks, out stupid little fights and all our jokes, I fell in love with you.

Clint loved the details of some moments, always looking further than the words or the actions and really searching the motions between everything that was said. When he was with you he'd try to keep his feelings in his mind so that he could search for a perfect quote to fit with your relationship and not even 20 minutes later he came up to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind, whispering: "Somewhere in between our laughs, our long talks, our stupid little fights and all our jokes, I fell in love with you"

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

Forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it with you

Steve was afraid of losing you like he lost Peggy, scenarios ran through his head when you were asleep at night or when you were at work whilist he was free for once. He didn't know how he could make you stay with him, although you never thought of leaving him he still made a plan to say those words to you. That morning you woke up to breakfast on bed and a sweet quote on a small paper: "Forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it with you"

Thor Odinson (Thor): 

The first time I saw you, my heart whispered "that's the one" 

When Thor met you he knew that you would meet again, he knew that he would fall in love with you and that he'd make you his. And of course during his life on earth he discovered different things, as well as saying words of affaction so in an intimate moments he remembered to say those words which make you kiss him right away: "The first time I saw you, my heart whispered 'That's the one'"

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

You are the first thing in my mind, each and every day 

Bruce absolutely adores you, trying to get a hold of you when he's not with you. He gets up with you next to him and goes to sleep with you as well. On a mission he will put your picture next to him on the pillow so that you're kind of there anyways, he talks to the picture about his day, feeling like it's really you. When he came home 9 days after the mission, he hugged you tightly, stuttering slightly as he spoke: "You are the first thing in my mind, each and every day" 

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

I fell in love with you because of the million things, you never knew you were doing 

Bucky was never the one with the self-confidence ever since The Winter Soldier, he seemed more to himself and started to panic when he thought that he said something wrong. Gladly you were always there for him when he needed you, whispering comforting words in his ear or give him the hug he needed to bad. One day, he surprised you with self-made dinner and the reason behind that was to thank you. "I fell in love with you because of the million things, you never knew you were doing"

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver): 

Being in love with you makes very morning worth getting up for

Being Pietro wasn't always easy, he didn't know just yet how to deal with the sunny world he was starting to see. He had been living in the dark side of his mind for all those years, not even having someone except for Wanda to support him so when you passed by his world became a lighter place with laughs and affection for him. Normally he would wonder why he would wake up but now: "being in love with you makes every moring worth getting up for"

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