"I love you...."

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I started 2 new books today; one of them is a random Marvel book (gifs, ships, rp, funny things)

The other one is a Wanda fanfiction.


I thought of this one thanks to my tattoo: thank you tattoo



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

"I love you more than life itself"

That's how he almost always mentioned that he loved you, sometimes he would say that he loves you more than he loves himself but that was just meant as a joke. But he does love you more than his life, he wouldn't change anything about that either

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

"I love you, always have, always will"

You and Clint just wanted to know that there wwasn't only love at this right moment, both of you wanted to know that it was for a long time. He loved you from the first time he saw you, until the last day that he would be on the earth and hopefully even after that.

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

"I love you so much"

Steve wanted it to be simple, and you knew it was simple but that it meant loads. The way he said it and the look in his eyes, spilled it all over to you. He would say it every night before you went to bed, so that you would remember it the entire time.

Thor Odinson (Thor)

"I love you like Romeo loves Juliet"

At first he had no idea what it was supposed to mean but after seeing the movie he understood it better, even if you weren't in the situation of Romeo and Juliet. He still loved to say it to you, maybe because you and Thor had your first kiss during that movie.

Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

"I love you forever and always"

He really loved you forever and always, even when he got wiped he remembered you and being in love with you somehow. At night he sometimes dreamed of having a long and beautiful future with you that included everything, and he couldn't wait but he had forever with you.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

"I love you to the moon and back again" (lol this is so selfish since I have this tattooed  #AMIETRO)

Something about him always made you think of the moon, maybe because you went stargazing often, maybe because he once said that he would run to the moon for you. Sometimes you even joked about it but it had a deep meaning though

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