Slow Dancing

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A/N: I hope you are all having a very nice day, thank you for reading and voting and everything and I just love talking to all of you.

I'm having a really bad day today since I spend most of the day crying yesterday and today I have a headache and stomach ache but yeah.

This is pretty long I guess but yeah.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Tony loved slow dancing with you. There was just something comforting about having you pulled flush against his chest, his hands pressed tightly to your hips so he could make sure you would never disappear.

Of course that wasn't to say that  was particularly good at slow dancing. Still the well known Tony Stark, he would usually settle to rocking back and forth, turning slowly in circles as your hands clutched onto his neck and your forehead pressed against his.

And although it was a rare occurrence, Tony would never miss a chance to slow dance with you because he felt safe. He could just focus on the music and rock to the beat with the person he loved the most in his arms. No interruptions, no pressure or problems, it was just the music and your eyes, bright and sparkling as you looked up at him with more love than he thought he could ever deserve from someone as amazing as you.

And he would smile down at you and gently place his lips on your forehead, earning a contented sigh and murmur of 'I love you' from you, to which he would chuckle and say 'Ditto babe'.

But he never wanted to move. Moving out of your arms was like having to wake up from a really nice dream and fall back into reality. Because he felt so safe with you in his arms, he would have been content to keep rocking even after the music had stopped.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Even if it was a serious moment for the other couples dancing around you, Clint had found a way to make you giggle. But Clint just didn't do serious. Because serious meant that you wouldn't be laughing, and in his opinion, any moment where you weren't flashing your gorgeous smile was a moment wasted.

So even though he held you in his arms and spun you around slowly, your grip on the shoulder of his dress shirt gentle and his on the hip of your dress protective and caring, the two of you were giggling, trying to muffle it because, after all, you were at a wedding . And giggling during sweet, slow songs seemed inappropriate.

After a few glares from relatives or friends, you and Clint hushed, not daring to look each other in the eyes for fear that you'd break out into giggles once more but shooting each other tight lipped looks every now and then. Finally you let a laugh slip and, after one more death glare from an elderly woman, you and Clint settled.

You let out a contented sigh, finally realizing that you were, in fact, slow dancing with Clint. It shocked you because, with Clint, things were never slow. Sure there were days when the two of you did nothing but laze around the house but he always seemed to be full of energy, his flamboyant giggle clearly the source.

"Whatcha thinking about dove?" he piped up, although he kept his voice low to avoid more death glares. You looked up at him, admiring his wide smile. He looked handsome in a suit but he always claimed that he was too "tough" to wear a suit any more. But he had donned one for this wedding and you put your hands to Clint's shoulders, straightening out his crisp, white dress shirt.

"Nothing. You just look really handsome," you said, a sweet smile tugging the corner of your lips up. Clint returned it, his smile softening but you saw the change in his eyes. Although he had been looking at you with amusement and curiosity before, now all you saw was love.

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