Silent Treatment

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A/N: Feels good to write again, if all these sounds around me weren't annoying me to death! I'm sorry everyone, I'm having a bad day and my tongue piercing is annoyig me like really bad. Sorry for not being happy

Thank you everyone for being so sweet to me in the comments & for sending me a bunch of messages because you all are so happy that I'm back. You are so so so so so so amazing, thank you so much for everything .

Have a nice day/evening.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Everything went well between you and Tony that day, he took the day off so he could spend all of his time with you. He even went on a walk through the park with you and had some tickle fights when no one was watching. This day made you so happy, surely when he told you that the both of you were going to a private dinner and he wouldn't take his phone with him. It was around 5 in the early evening when you entered the restaurant with a smile on your face but soon it disappeared, your hand separated from Tony's. You walked alone towards your table; thanks to Tony flirting with the girl that took the orders. When he sat down opposite of you; you stopped talking or listening to whatever he had to say and your arms were crossed.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Clint wasn't home when you did something that was Clint's biggest nightmare. Jarvis had let you get into the stuff with the weapons so that you could get his bow and one of his arrows, what else could you do when you were bored? You had been play shooting and aiming for about 10 minutes when you acidentally broke his best bow (which you didn't know that it was his best). When he came home again from the mission, you had tried to glue it back together but you failed a little bit. Clint saw you on his bed, holding the bow in your hand. "YOU'RE SO FUCKING CLUMSY" he snatched the bow out of your hand, ignoring you for the rest of the day.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

Sometimes you just got tired of his old-fashioned talk and annoyed by the rules he had when it came to almost everything you could think of. The way he compared everything you did to Peggy, you couldn't put up with it anymore. In your slumber you could hear Steve talking to Natasha about Peggy and you, what he said made a bom drop on your love life. A while after that you got up, greeted in the living room by a pair of arms wrapped around your waist: "you know, my last ex wouldn't be so controlling and protective as you. He was a better cook and at least he was always there for me. Unlike you". It was harsh, but he needed to learn his lesson, you went into different directions for the rest of the day.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

It wasn't your intention to make Thor upset over his cooking, he was asking you for his honest opinion. So you told him that it wasn't your type of food but you were happy that he spend so much time on the meal. Thor was a tough guy so you thought that he would say that it was fine, but the tears were forming in the corners of his eyes, soon starting to run over his cheek. You were shocked that he reacted that way but before you could go over to hug him, he was walking away and you couldn't go as fast as he could, so you didn't know where he went at all. Both of you cried to entire day.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

The both of you were already fighting, about something stupid like most of the couples would do. You were jealous when he was talking to Natasha earlier that day but he became mad when he caught you talking to a guy in front of the tower, neither of both wanted to say that you were wrong so you just started yelling at each other. Calling each other bad names and putting the blame on each other as much as possible. Tony came in between and said that Bruce was right in this situation, that was the end of the fight, the end of all talks you had with him on that day

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

Bucky could never help it when he did something as bad as he did this time, most of the times you wouldn't mind about it but all those things began piling up until there was no space for anything more: from hitting you in his sleep to calling you names because he thought that you were one of Hydra's dolls. This time he had you tied up to the bed in the morning, holding a gun to your forehead and demanding you why you were here. Soon he realized that you were his girlfriend, he snapped back into a reality and untied you so that he could hug you but you were gone before he could know where you went. Inside his closet, you cried silently.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

Pietro just adored it when he could surprise you with something, maybe it was your exitement or the way you would try to tell him that he shouldn't use his money on you with all those expensive things he bought. One time Wanda told you what he was planning and where he was taking you for a secret date, it slipped out when you were talking to Pietro so his surprise was ruined. And damn he really took it hard, tears were forming in his eyes and his faces turned towards the floor. He wasn't mad at you at all, not even at Wanda for telling you. He was mad at himself but he kept his words inside for the rest of the day, you sat in Wanda's room crying all day long.

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