He makes it up to you

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A/N: sorry for not updating but I recently got a nephew so I'm there most of the time. Also school is killing me with the time I have to study.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Seducing you

Tony knows his ways of showing you that he wants to make it up to you and have some of it himself as well, it will start with him telling everything that he loves about you and it may be innocent at the beginning but soon enough he will be talking about your abilities in bed. His lips will travel from your cheek to your neck and down until you give in, he will take you to the bedroom. That night everything will be about you....

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Small touches

Most of the time when you are mad Clint will try to talk to you but you just don't feel like talking so instead Clint will sit next to you and wait for a while. When he knows that you aren't feeling that mad or stressed with him anymore, he will let his hand come in contact with yours, to other people it doesn't have a meaning but to you it means that with little things he can still make you happy. Most likely after that one touch he will be forgiven.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):


You can become really mad at Steve, the poor boy feels guilty of course but he understands that he really hurt you with his words or his actions. He will let you calm down for a few hours and while you do that Steve can go to the flower shop and buy you the most beautiful flowers that he can find, when he comes to the tower you're willing to talk and even apologize but he cuts you off with by a kiss and the flowers.

Thor Odinson (Thor):


Thor the big teddy bear doesn't really understand how it works when he hurts you, he will say something in a mean way that wasn't meant like that at all but you took it too far into your head again and Thor will feel extremely sorry. He heard that the bakery close to the tower has delicious pastry so he will walk there and get a bunch of everything before going back and give you all of it, he will pout because he is sorry and becase he wants some pastry as well. You'll forgive him and let him eat since he will eat the most of it.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

Surprise you

Most of the arguments between you and Bruce happened when he was on a mission, texting was always one of the biggest ways to get each other wrong and that's exactly what happened to you and Bruce. You would stop talking and he would think of something to do for you, after a while of thinking he would ask if Clint or Tony or Natasha would want to take you back to you for a few hours. Most of the time he went to the tower and sneaked into it, seeing that you were watching one of those movies where you had to cry. He would wrap his arms around you and tell you that he is sorry, everything would be forgiven.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):


It would get to you that he was insecure because he would always think the worse of everything. He thought you liked someone else because you were talking to Natasha and Wanda about some guy in a TV show, Bucky felt bad for not being a little more confident, he trusted you but he didn't trust anyone else that weren't his friends or you. You would hide in the bedroom and after half an hour he would follow and enter the bedroom, wrapping his arms around you and snuggling his face in the crook of your neck, sometimes tears were flowing but he couldn't help it, he was so happy that you forgave him.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):


Pietro couldn't sing very well at all but you just adored his voice: the accent, the tone, the sound, the feelings. So when he got you worked up he would sit you down on his lap and tell you nice things, he would give you compliments, just talk about the fight or he would sing your song while he played with your hair. It always lulled you to sleep but you weren't sleeping before you said that you forgave him and that you love him, when he returned you would fall asleep right there.

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