Things you share

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This is short once again but I've had a bad day and I really don't feel like writing something very long and stuff but yeah. I really like this one for some reason though it made me happy again.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy


Tony Stark (Iron  Man):

Matching tattoos

It seems like it's very cliché but it was a gesture of love when he tattooed your name on his wrist,  he told you that you didn't have to do it back but you did since you really wanted to. So when you suddenly came back with his name in cursive writing on your wrist, he was surprised and very proud. A few months later you both tattooed the date of  anniversary and a small heart underneath the names.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye) :

A necklace and a bracelet

He was out shopping, you were still in the fitting rooms and he was walking around between all the shiny jewelry. Nothing in particular caught his eye until he saw a beautiful necklace and a brace with a silver arrow in the middle, his mind wandered to the celebration of your 2 year aniverssary was coming up next week. He bought it without you noticing and one week later he watched how your eyes lit up when he put the necklace around your neck and the bracelet around his wrist.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):


Mostly you and Steve match clothes, not even knowing it from each other until you wear it on the same day but when you got him a sweater which said Mr. Rogers and the same day he came home with a sweater with written on it Mrs. Rogers. The same color and from the same brand, you both wore them with pride almost every day of the week.

Thor Odinson (Thor):


Well the story behind it was a little weird, the relationship had been going on for years and you were beyong ready to marry him. That day when Thor came home you both started talking at the same time, almost the same sentence when you both opened a small box to see the same rings. He thought it was the cutest memory ever and a great proposal with double effect.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk): 

A purple shirt (sorry I had to!)

One day when you grew bored you wanted to dress up as your boyfriend Bruce so you went shopping and got yourself an outfit that would match with his. The day you wore it, he was wearing one as well and you were pretending to be him and talk about science and other things while he just kept on laughing at your little act.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver): 

His adidas sneakers (model no: adizero Feather 4 LTD)

He bought you a pair of his running shoes since you always fangirled over them but they were too big so one day he came home saying that he bought new shoes but that they were a bit too small. You frowned but when you saw the size you started jumping around and peppering Pietro's face with kisses and thanking him a thousand times. You both went for runs, walks, shopping and everything with the same shoes, both of you very proud.

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