Downhill in your relation

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A/N: I was supposed to make a Steve imagine but I just can't start, I want to but I can't do this for some reason. I'm as sick as I can be so I don't think I will be at work any of these weeks coming, I probably have the flu and my throat feels as if it's closed. Anyways have a nice day




Tony Stark (Iron Man):


Well he didn't actually cheat on you but he was joking about it since you got so controlling when he was out without you. When he discovered that you were controlling him, he set up a scene where he was cheating on another woman by moaning a different name in the bedroom. He had a porn video playing on his laptop so that you fell for the trap, of course you entered the room to see him sitting alone in his bedroom. Tears rolled down your cheeks but Tony didn't bother to explain as he just smirked.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

His 9 month mission

It was a serious downfall for the both of you when he left you alone, Fury explained that your beloved Hawkeye would be gone for a month. You counted day after day but threw the calendar away as soon as you found out that he wouldn't be home for another month, and this way the pain went on. You couldn't text, you couldn't Skype and you had no Natasha or anyone else to talk to about your emotions. Finally after 9 months of Fury's lies and crying yourself to sleep, Clint stood in front of your doorstep with a grin on his face. It took time for you to be like before though

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

Trying to be perfect

He tried to be the perfect boyfriend for you, after fighting about how he kept on comparing you to his first love, Peggy Carter. He never pronounced her name anymore and he stopped comparing you to her, which you thought was great but everything about him changed. You loved Steve's flaws and that he showed them but suddenly he wanted to be perfect for you, he was the perfect boyfriend, it was like a robot that you could use as a boyfriend. You tried to ignore it but one day you had enough and started a fight, he broke up with you over a call and flirted with another woman to make you jealous. That wasn't him at all.

Thor Odinson (Thor)


Well there were always problems between your parents and his parents, they didn't like each other and they didn't like their son/daughter in law at all. Banned from Asgard and banned from your parents house, it was a way to break you both apart. At first you almost broke up over it but then Thor realized that he shouldn't care about the words of the parents but being 2 years in the relationship was getting hard. At a family dinner where both of your and his parents were, they started to fight which went to you and Thor fighting over the taste of the food. Your relationship went downhill from that moment.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)


Bruce tried to get away from you after the battle of New York, he left when no one expected him to, no one knew where he went and even Fury had no idea what was going on because he never received a signal. He never told you where he went or what he did, when he came back 7 months later. Bruce came home as if he just came back from a day at the lab, saying the normal greeting to you and kissing your cheek tenderly. So you ignored him, the silent treatment was given for 2 weeks straight. You never forgave him.

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)


Bucky built up his walls very high, he never wanted to see any criminality again but sometimes he got those mood swings which ended in him doing the wrong things. Like the time he pinned you against the wall and tried to choke you, but you loved him too much to be mad at him because of that. Because he was so introvert and quiet, you never knew what was wrong, you never had the idea of how he was feeling and that's how the heart slowly drifted apart. You couldn't break down the walls and Bucky couldn't escape from the past.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)


In the Maximoff household it was normal to see you and Pietro having mean words every day,  sometimes the fights were useless and about stupid things but sometimes it was ver serious and even Wanda couldn't help you. No one wanted to hear or see how Pietro and you could yell and shout and hug each other right after it, when you didn't want to be alone. It seemed easy for the others, thinking you had the perfect relationship but no one knew what happened behind closed doors. One time you fought about going on a mission, he missed doing that and so did you which ended in talking about a divorce. It was such a tragic love story.

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