Loki (catch-up)

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A/N: Okay so I was reading the comments and I picked out some preferences of them, there are only 13 but that's probably enough to start off with Loki. 

Okay so my book is #155 in fanfiction! I couldn't be prouder than this right now, I'm so thankful for every single one of you. Thank you so much for reading this book and for talking to me throughout the day or something.. A HUGEEEE THANKS!!!



When he's jealous:

Loki would just get jealous by the smallest things taking its place next to you, in front of you, behind you and so on. Even if it wasn't a human standing there, he would get jealous of it. He even had a special way of making them go away. In the beginning: he would just watch them without them knowing, after a while they would see him and he would give them a death glare before walking up to them.  And then he would have his special sentence that he used every time, "You stupid mortal, get away from my Queen". Once he used it on your cat Charlie but that didn't really help.

Silent treatment:

The only thing your boyfriend Loki could think about was ruling the world, and lately that was all he talked about. Every day you would come home from work, entering your small apartment to find it in the same way that you left it in the morning: dishes was still in the sink and dinner wasn't done, even though it was already 8 in the evening. You couldn't get more frustrated about it so you just took a shower and ordered food for yourself, making sure to pretend as if you forgot Loki. When Loki came downstairs, after writing down another plan: he got mad at you but you didn't say anything, you just had a peaceful smile playing on your lips as you ate.

Sex with him would include:

- "My Queen"

- No one that can make you feel like he does

- Hickeys just above your boobs

- Green eyes staring into yours the entire time

- Sex in the library

- Him wanting to please you 

Downhill in your relation:

When he's gone

Sometimes he will leave you alone in the morning, you would be sleeping when he left and he would only leave a note that he said he left for something important. Loki never wrote how long he would leave for or that he loved you, he never told you where he went and when you could expect him back at home. After the 16th time of him leaving you like that, you packed his bags and put them in the hallway so that he could leave as soon as he arrived home. And he did leave, he left when you were at your work. Only to come back in the evening with your favorite movies and fastfood, ready for a evening where only you and him mattered.

What your parents think:

Honestly? They think that he's a weirdo. The first time they met him was before you had met him and strangely them remembered him because they were scared when you took him home for the first time. Your dad started complaining about him calling everyone "mortal" and your mother said that he would have more than 1 wife back in his hometown. But that evening, he proved them that he is worthy of your love. Your parents might not always like him but they accept him in the family, and maybe having a weirdo means something to talk about on awkward family dinners.

Pick-up lines:

"You must be a broom, because you just swept me off my feet"

You couldn't help but giggle when the black haired stranger tried to use his pick up line on you, you had to admit that it was a good one that you had never heard before. You had just bumped against him in the middle of the street, he helped you stand up and then he used the sentence to try and win your attention. It worked really good.

Running into your ex:

For some reason he recognized your ex from old pictures that he found in the trash can, he was disgusted even though he never met him in real. And just on the moment that he was talking about it in the middle of the mall, you saw the familiar face coming closer and closer to him. Loki noticed and wrapped one of his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to your cold cheek before shooting a death glare towards your ex and continuing to walk with you and laugh. Until he knew that your ex would be jealous.

Matching tattoos:

Both of you got a small cage with a heart in it: the tattoo represented that Loki and you would be in your own world forever. Nothing could get to you or nothing could break you apart because the cage would protect both of you from all the bad things or persons in the world, it was just Loki and you, you and Loki. The tattoo was inked on the left hand, the ring finger.

How he keeps you in bed: 

Cuddles and kisses

Most of the times it was you who had to try and keep him into bed but when he was lazy, you were the one who had to try and drag him out of the bed. Each time that you would try to make a move to get up, he would kiss the spot just above your boob and hug you a little bit closer to his body. That's how he would always get you to stay in bed with him, after an hour or so the both of you got up and had a huge breakfast.

After sex:

He enjoyed seeing that one smile on your lips, it was lazy, it was simple, it was beautiful and it was tender. That's the smile he always wanted to see formed on your lips, he could watch it all day and that's what he did. After having sex with him, you would smile like that and look at him like that. He would flash you a soft smile and just stare at you, watch you fall asleep by the hours, the smile still on your face.

Victoria's Secret shopping:

He loved going there because he knew that he was the only one who could have a sneak peak of what you were going to buy. Loki also loved to choose the things for you, mostly he would go for green and black for you to wear because he thought that it would fit your hair and your eyes but you knew better than that. "Those look beautiful on you, and sexy" he would whisper in your ear before he would press a kiss on his favorite part of you, just above your boob. It left you hanging on an edge, and most of the times both of you would rush home to have some magic time in the bedroom.

Favorite kissing place:

Above your boob

Loki loved giving you kisses right above your boob, it left you hanging on the edge of being loved and wanting him badly. He was a huge tease and of course he would flash you that smirk, that's what he did all day. Which had a consequence: you were late for work about 4 times a week and each time you had to make up and excuse for your boss to believe you. But who couldn't see the way your hair looked like sex or the way you smelled like a male perfume.

Your children:

Anastasia Acedia Lokidottir

Anastasia was one of the cutest children that you could see, she looked exactly like her dad did but she had your personality. When she spoke, you could hear Loki but in a small and female form. Those green eyes that always stared when her daddy was playing with his magic for her, she wanted to be like him so badly and she was proud of him, no matter what he did. She never asked for another sibling because she was spoiled by Loki, he was his little princess and he called her that through the years.

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