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Ishwari send a dasi to call mata gandhari and mata kunti, while draupadi had entered the sabha while they both start to go towards the sabha.

In sabha

The brothers and draupadi were in anger and tears but are helpless and cant take any action on it due to principles of this sight bhishma and all the people are upset and in tears but bound to dharma principles so do nothing at this sight. yudishtir is ashamed of himself. but bheem on this sight says dushasan i will break your hands who touched the purity of draupadi i will kill u. Duryodhan says dushasan i want to kill her ego show me the face of this egoistic lady....
Sahdev:-  bhabi shree!!.........

Subhadra and Ishwari enter the sabha
ishwari:- jiji.....
saying she rushes towards draupadi but she stops her

As they see dushsan throwing draupadi in feets of duryodhan , he says when ego is crushed the face is what turns black show me the face of this egoistic lady, but draupadi moves back,

Ishwari:- samrat dritrashtra why is a lady treated in your sabha like this that to the kulvadhu , Pitamha and guru dronarachyra why are you both mum at this
draupadi turns to dritrashtra who says that draupadi is a dasi(slave) so she has to just follow the orders.

Ishwari:- when bhrata yudishtir had lost himself how did he bet on jiji
duryodhan :- don't ask this question to samrat ask it to your husband's jyesth bhrata das yudishtir .
draupadi:- Arya how did you bet on me, was it similar to what you did to your brothers
yudishtir:- yes
draupadi:- a wife is not in relation as a brother ,wife is ardhangani(better half).

draupadi:- mahamantri in the place of hastinapur which is known for justice what is this happening doesn't a wife have equal right on all belongings of husband
mahamantri vidur:- yes she does

draupadi :- then how did he bet on wealth without my permission ,

Shakuni:- das draupadi at the beginning of game you didn't ask any questions then why now, when you didn't put any limits at the beginning don't expect any thing now.

Ishwari:- I am mahamatri of indraprastha I am asking this how did bhrata didn't talked with me before he bet wealth and
Sakuni:- you have nothing to ask, as he has lost Indraprastha.
Ishwari:- don't forget mamashree I am
Sakuni:- you are wife of arjun
Ishwari:- Gandharaj......
Sakuni:- you are also our dasi so don't speak or else we have to
Ishwari:- I am not a dasi, what will you do, you will kill me do that
sakuni:- we are bound by your goodness but
Ishwari:- In that only I am asking you all to stop this or else I also have to show my bad side ghandharaj

Draupadi in tears and anger, she looks at the four brothers and says
Draupadi:- when you married me you promised me to protect me and you didn't follow it
then she looks at arjun
Draupadi:- Rajkumar arjun you took oath in the court of hastinapur that you will kill the person who insults me and now what happened
Ishwari:- why him....i am their na

Duryodhan:- dasi draupadi your husbands are not men they followed dharma and put you in this condition they all are napunsak (impotent). now leave all that and come have samband(relation) with me come sit on my laps

Ishwari:- Yuvraj Duryodhan!!!!!
she shouts and so arjun goes toward her

bheem:- I will kill you its my promise to youu I will break your lap
arjun:- Duryodhan!!!

Shakuni:- Arjun!!! you were also staked by yudhistitr

Arjun:- I am not bound to anyone

Duryodhan:- shut up you das's and draupadi follow my orders

draupadi:- i am born out of fire and fire cant be bounded or kept caught and (shouts loudly) I will not follow your rules
Saying she proceeds to leave the sabha , on this duryodhan turns to samrat dirtrashtra

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