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After meeting everyone they all with Krishna left for matsya.
Ishwari and Arjun sat in one chariot, while subhadar and Ira in one and charumati sat with Krishna in other chariot, Aarav and Abhimanyu were on horse while aadhik drove the chariot of his parents

Arjun:- Ishwari, Ira is so sweet but then why do you call her a Strom
Ishwari:- you have to see it your self, she is very different and I think something is going in her mind, she will surely talk with you
Arjun:- I will wait for it
At the matsya
everyone was at the entrance to meet them, Ishwari hugged Draupadi followed by Subhadra.
Ishwari took blessings of Yudhishthira and Bheem and then looked at Nakul and Sahdev they both hugged her.
Ishwari:- how are you both
Nakul, sahdev:- fine bhabi
Ishwari:- So bhrata, jiji, meet Rajkumari Charumati our Aarav's wife and you guess who is this
Saying she pointed towards Ira
Charumati took everyone's blessing with Aarav
Nakul:- Bhabi we know who she is, your daughter Rajkumari Ira
Arjun:- yes
Ira meet everyone.
Ishwari:- Pranipat Maharaj Virat, Pranipat Maharani sudheshna
Virat:- Pranipat Rajkumari, please come inside now

At lunch
Nakul:- Bhabi we got to know how much your spies worked on the last two days
Ishwari:- really means I cannot believe they can do this much for us
Krishna:- hiding the truth and saying the same lie and misguiding and all
Sahdev:- and what about palace spies
Ishwari:- they are of no use now, one is married, two are busy with practice and one is very mischievous
Saying she smiled the brothers started laughing on her sentence
Aarav:- Mata you are saying like this about us
Ira:- Mata me and mischievous
Subhadra:- yes
Ishwari:- and a short tempered also, right arya
Arjun:- yes
Bheem:- how do you know it Arjun?
Nakul:- don't say she was angry on you?
Arjun:- she came and started shouting on saying how dare you harm my brothers and all, these two dragged her away
Nakul:- but who's quality is it
Draupadi:- Ishwari only don't you remember how she threatened Gandharaj that day
Bheem:- For that Ishwari take this one ladoo from me
saying bheem gave her a ladoo
Krishna:- bhrata bheem she did that again in Aarav's wedding
Nakul:- now kheer from me bhabi
Saying he gave her a bowl of kheer
Subhadra:- bhrata what will you all give jiji after seeing your children
Draupadi:- whatever you ask Ishwari, I have heard that you made sure they are following dharma
Abhimanyu:- sometimes Mata had went to Panchal on horse after getting some news
Ishwari:- i have not done it alone, Subhadra was there with me and in panchal shikandini jiji and Rajkumar dhristadhyuma were there without their support nothing would have happen
Their talks continued

In pandava's common chamber
Arjun:- Bhrata I want to tell you all something
Yudhishthira:- yes
Arjun:- Maharaj Virat has kept the proposal of abhimanyu and Uttara's marriage
Arjun looked at the shocked Ishwari and Subhadra and nodded
Nakul:- that's nice bhrata
Ishwari:- what nice Nakul, Abhi is the smallest in all 6 sons
Draupadi:- but Ishwari uttara is a nice girl and don't worry after the war we will get the rest married but aadhik??
Ishwari:- his thoughts are different.....he doesn't want to spoil someone's life.........and prati is elder
Yudhishthira:- we know Ishwari this thing is bothering you but we have no problem
Bheem:- Even Arjun married before us
Ishwari:- Subhadra and Arya what do you both say
Subhadra:- jiji she is a nice girl and arya knows her so as he says
Arjun:- I agree with this proposal as she is really nice girl
Krishna:- so I am going to tell this to them
Krishna said entering the chamber
Arjun:- as you wish
Ishwari stopped Krishna on the way
Ishwari:- I want to talk with you
Krishna:- yes
Ishwari:- really no one has no problem with it
Krishna:- from when did you started to think about it
Ishwari:- I have no doubt on our family members but I cannot trust maharani sudeshna means she looks bit ambitious maybe its her concern for her daughter's future. She can do anything........
Krishna:- ek satya sab kuch badal dega
Ishwari:- bhrata but then also Abhi is our third son
Krishna:- yudh abhi sesh hai
Ishwari:- yudh can take our sons from us not daughter-in-law
Krishna:- do you trust your teaching
Ishwari:- yes
Krishna:- then come with me
Saying he took her with him
As they entered the chamber they heard
Sudeshna:- What if the pandavas lose in the war what about the future of our uttara?
Krishna:- Maharani Sudeshna, do you have firm faith that you can mould uttara's future according to your plans? Do you have that king of right on time?
Sudeshna:- pardon me vasudev, but even you don't have right on time
Ishwari just smiled hearing her sentence
Krishna:- indeed, I have no right on time, but I have faith on in the generosity of time.
Ishwari:- bhrata
Krishna stopped her with his hand
Krishna:- I can only tell you that, uttara's child will be most important for the pandavas as, Abhimanyu will be the one to usher the new era and the next generation kids will initiate the first phase in this transformation
Ishwari:- what do you means bhrata
Krishna:- I mean to say that your both daughter-in-laws will take the entire aryavart away from the war towards the peace and tranquility
Sudeshna:- but she will be just Rajkumari
Krishna:- Maharani, I said only both daughter-in-law of my sister
Ishwari:- Maharaj, Maharani give us permission to leave
They both nodded
Krishna:- Maharaj start the preparation of Uttara and Abhimanyu's marriage
Saying he came out with Ishwari
Ishwari:- your words have deep meaning and I am trying to understand it but, please give the strength to face it
Krishna:- you doubt your capabilities
Ishwari:- I doubt on my self
Krishna:- just follow sakhi tomorrow if she follows me
Ishwari:- as you say

At night
In Ishwari's chamber
Arjun:- where are you lost?
Ishwari:- nothing, Do you know Angraj karn send me a letter apologizing
Arjun:- what did you do?
Ishwari told him what reply she send
Ishwari:- did I do right?
Arjun:- your anger is justified, when Gandharaj was insulting you they did not joined him and insulted you but they also did not stopped gandharaj from doing that so your anger is justified

Ishwari:- you know I never felt bad when someone spoke bad about me, but that day his every word was pricking me, if would have not stopped my head would have busted

Arjun:- I am sorry I could not stop them, I could not stop bhrata from staking us all
Ishwari:- I know but why is Angraj against you
Arjun:- Ishwari something is their in his heart, he considers me his rival but I don't
Ishwari:- you know I am feeling I knew something very important but then I forgot it
Arjun:- I know the result of the curse
Ishwari:- but then also
Arjun:- don't stress your small brain
saying he laughed and she smiled at him
Arjun:- Aadhik and abhi are good warriors and Aarav looks after all the training of both
Ishwari:- What to do after coming back from gurukul, Aarav has taken responsibility to look after his siblings training
Arjun:- he has seen his mother so, I know them after all they are our children
Ishwari:- yes
Arjun:- and I know this also that you were very keen about it because you want no one to say that he behaves like this because his father was not there or its because his mother was alone to raise him up and all
Ishwari:- yes, I don't want anyone to question our way of raising up the children so I didn't left a single thing to be objected.
After taking for sometime they both slept.

Hope you like this part.

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