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As Arjun entered the arena to meet Balram and Krishna, he heared
Balram:- I am promising you that nor I neither yadav sena and Krishna will raise weapon from pandavas side
Arjun:- what are you saying dau? You did hear us and you considered us at fault.

Balram:- Rajkumar Arjun, I am not finding fault of anyone here. I am just trying to understand what the situation demands. From what I can understand is, two groups decided to engage in the game of gambling. Both the sides agreed to all the rules of the game. And in which your group ended up on losing side.

Arjun:- we were cheated dau

Balram:- then you should have quit the game,

Arjun:- we were bounded by our promise, only when you know the entire situation then only everything will be clear.

Balram:- Rajkumar Arjun, No truth of that situation is hidden from me, despite of your absence people have talked about it, my sisters are here. That is why I don't need any information from you, either you or another some one. I think you are feeling I am influenced by Yuraj duryodhan words but its not like that, I have seen my sisters pain these years and heard also what happened that day in indraprastha and I have come to the conclusion on that day only and it is adharma had happen from both side, but yudhistir did much more after losing everything he staked and lost you all and then his wife. he did not stopped the insult. his wife was dragged till the sabha and my sister who came to stop was insulted and accused but no one stopped it till Maharani Gandhari and Bua kunti reach the sabh. My sister was standing blocking the way of Rajkumar Dusshasan bearing all the insult but you all didn't spoke anything.

Gandharaj becomes happy hearing all this which Balram notices.

Balram:- Duryodhan I am not helping pandavas means I am helping you like this it doesn't mean, I am not going to fight from your side also.
Shakuni:- but

Balram:- Gandharaj I have not forgotten that it was you only who insulted my sister, it was your brain only behind all the behavior in Aarav's marriage but you forgot to include lakshman kumar in it and he shown us what is in your heart by troubling my niece
Saying he left from their fallowed by Krishna and Arjun.

In Ishwari's chamber
She was standing in the balcony looking outside, Arjun entered the chamber and went towards her and pulled her in a hug
Arjun:- I missed you
Ishwari smiled at him and hugged him back
Ishwari:- what happened you look tensed
Arjun:- nothing you look same yet different
Ishwari:- you are saying so might be, I missed you Arjun
Arjun:- I know my love, actually I want to tell you that the war is unavoidable now and what all happened now..................
Saying he told her everything.
Ishwari:- ok, now you go to subhadra's chamber be their only I will go and talk with dau and whatever his decision is I will come to tell you so be in her chamber, I am sure he will help us
Arjun:- ok, but how
Ishwari:-I am his sister, he granted me a wish I said ask it when it is very important today I will ask
Arjun:- Thank you
Ishwari:- I will talk with him
saying she went from their

In the garden
Balram:- Kanha tell is it not the truth that in which ever side you will be it will be the side of dharma
Ishwari:- dau but that doesn't mean the solution is not raising weapon from any side
Balram:- means
Krishna:- we have good relations with pandavs and kauravs both
Balram:- lets give them a fair chance then
Ishwari:- how?
Balram:- that you both decide I am not going to fight on either side and that's final but Krishna and yadav sena can participate.
Ishwari:- dau then how
Balram:- I want to help you but how should I forget this that what Yudhishthira did is also wrong he could have stopped from playing when he was asked to stake his brothers, but now what I want to say is kanha don't be partial
Krishna:- as you say dau I promise you I will not be partial
Saying Krishna left from their
Ishwari:- dau I don't understand your words
Balram:- Narayan ki leela hai sari
Ishwari:- you said no one will raise weapons and now I came to you to talk but before knowing only you said accordingly
Balram:- I knew duryodhan will provoke me so only I granted you a wish and according to that only before you say I am allowing any one from the two to help the pandavas
Ishwari:- Dau how only we four know how we are, but then who are me and Subhadra
Balram:- leave something on time also Ishwari
Ishwari:- ok, but at least come to meet me one day, dau the war is unavoidable it can change my life again.
Balram:- I will have to, as still remember your promise that you will not cry further, but when I will come that time you can, till then stay strong
Ishwari:- yes dau, I will stand strong supporting Arya
Balram:- Go and tell Arjun that who ever approaches Krishna first he will give him whatever he asks, I will tell this to Duryodhan
Ishwari:- as you say
Saying she went from their to subhadra's chamber, she asked before entering and entered the chamber
Subhadra:- jiji from when did you started asking
Ishwari:- leave it bhadre Arya go and meet bhrata krishna, dau has allowed the narayani sena and bhrata Krishna to participate in the war, who so ever will approach bhrata Krishna first he will give him whatever the person asks
Subhadra:- Arya what will you ask
Ishwari:- bhadre what is important according to you, bal aur buddhi
Subhadra:- buddhi means chaturya
Arjun:- your gave the answer Subhadra
Saying Arjun went from their
Subhadra:- what I did jiji
Ishwari:- I don't know
Saying Ishwari left from their

As Krishna seen Arjun first so he asked Arjun to chose between him and narayani sena and he also said that he will not raise any weapon, but then also Arjun asked Krishna to be with them and so Duryodhan was left with narayani sena and he was happy with it.

At night
Arjun:- Ishwari we are leaving for matsya tomorrow
Ishwari:- yes, come have a seat
Arjun:- Ishwari I really admire you a lot you raised all kids so well
Ishwari:- Me and Subhadra
Arjun:- I know and I know this also that subhadra has took all the responsibility of Ira
Ishwari:- I want Ira to be more like subhadra and I have no doubt that she has done it properly
Arjun:- I know, Ishwari you would be tired with all this
Ishwari:- I am really very tiered and in that I was hurt a lot that I cannot see you for these many years
Arjun:- I know, Ishwari I have two wives but you are my first love, I got to know what is soul mate because of you, you are my friend, my love, my soul mate. Aarav, aadhik ad Ira are symbol of our love. You always said that you are my shadow and its meaning I got to know in these years. I don't know how you lived without me, I cannot be with you when you needed me, but when I have come to meet you today I never felt I was away from you these years

Ishwari:- you only say na that you can feel my pain and I can also feel your pain, do you why? because we are one only and don't be sad thinking you were not there with me when I needed you, you are always there with me in my heart

Arjun:- Rajkumari Uttara told us how you threatened mamashree on the day of Aarav's weeding and I am proud of you
She smiled at him.

Arjun:- tell me one thing you purposely called me Rajkumar Arjun today, right?

Ishwari:- I know you like it when I call you Arjun so I didn't called you arya, sleep now we have to leave for matsya tomorrow
Saying she slept next to him, he pulled her near and slept.

The next day
She got up and got ready as she came out she seen Arjun standing near the mirror smiling at her
Arjun:- come sit I will do your sringar
Saying he made her sit and did her sringar he filled her hairline with sindoor and then went to inner chamber to bath

Ishwari called Subhadra with Arjun's jewelry which was in her chamber.
When he came out he seen them both smiling at him, so they both helped him with the jewelry and at last Ishwari made him wear the crown.
He smiled at them both and then looked at subhadra, he filled her hairline with sindoor and smiled at her.

Arjun:- now can we go out
Subhadra, Ishwari:- yes
Arjun:- wait, where is our princess
Ira:- here pitashri
Saying she entered the chamber

Arjun smiled as he seen her entering the chamber

Arjun:- so come we have to leave for matsya

Hope you like this part.

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