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After some time

Draupadi comes out from the tent to talk with Krishna.

Draupadi:- Govind today Angraj Karna had wounded Abhimanyu, answer my question,
Krishna:- is this the time for your sons to brace themselves to face death? is'nt this your question? death is with us at every moment, we are always ready for death.

itKrishna:- is this the time for your sons to brace themselves to face death? is'nt this your question?  death is with us at every moment, we are always ready for death

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Draupadi sobs hearing his words
Draupadi:- how I could ever be ready for the death of my children.I knows this is my duty and a chance for sacrifice, but my heart is not able to understand this. if my six son's eyes close, then there will be nothing left for me to see in this world.
Krishna sits next to Draupadi and tells her to look at God instead.

In the kaurava's camp

The Kaurava army are cremating Duryodhan's brothers.
Duryodhan:- Mitr what stopped you from killing Abhimanyu.
Karna:- I was pleased seeing his bravery and prowess.
Karna asks for forgiveness from Duryodhan, but he is angry.
He tells Karna to ask forgiveness from his 30 brothers that Bhima killed in the battlefield. Duryodhan reminds Karna that this is war, not a competition, and his sole duty is to ensure his victory. Duryodhan tells Karna to prove his friendship.
Karna asks for his next order from Duryodhan, and he replies "Abhimanyu vadh". Dronachrya says this is impossible while all 5 Pandavas and Aarav are on the battlefield.
Duryodhan says he doesn't care how they manage this, but before he sees any of the Pandavas killed, he wants to see Abhimanyu die. Shakuni arrives with a plan to kill Abhimanyu and says before abhimanyu we will have to kill Aarav so I have planned to kill Aarav. He tells them about Jayadrath's tapasya to Mahadev to get revenge for what the Pandavas did to him during exile.

In Pandavas camp
Abhimanyu was outside the Pandava camp. Arjun came there and he blesses him saying he heard about his bravery against Karna.
Arjun says he is proud of Abhimanyu, as standing against Karna without being afraid is not an easy task. Arjun says he is blessed to have a son like Abhimanyu.
Abhimanyu asks Arjun whether Karna really is such a good archer.
Arjun:- Angraj Karna has both power and determination, but if he also had valour then it would be impossible to defeat him.
Arjun tells Abhimanyu that shakti and samaarth always compete, but shaurya doesn't compete.
A heroic warrior only tries elevate himself, instead of trying to be better than someone else.

Arjun and Abhimanyu meet the rest of the Pandava army.
Yudhistir tells Arjun that Susharma has left to attack Virat's city. Maharaj Virat wants to leave to go and protect his kingdom. Krishna says if Maharaj Virat leaves then his army will also have to leave with him, and Maharaj Virat agrees.
Krishna says he can make his chariot horses ride faster than the wind, and Arjun alone is enough for the Trigarta army.
Maharaj Virat argues that the army needs Arjun, but Krishna says there are other warriors present in this army. Maybe it is a day for some of them to obtain valour and fame. Arjun agrees and says he will defeat the army before sunset...aadhik will also accompany him
He tells Aarav and Abhimanyu to fight wonderfully and blesses them with victory.
Father and sons hug while Krishna watches.
Abhimanyu touches Krishna's feet and Krishna blesses him to find such fame in battle that makes him immortal.
Aarav touches Krishna's feet and Krishna blesses him to with the strength and says the same said to Abhimanyu.
Ishwari brings Subhadra, ira, charumati and uttara to meet them both, she looks at krishna, who signals her to be clam.
She goes towards Arjun.
Arjun:- why are you wearing this type of dress today Ishwari?
Ishwari:- don't know but today I felt I will need to ride my horse today so
Aarav:- Mata don't worry I am their to protect Abhimanyu.
Arjun:- Ishwari I am blessed to have them both as my sons
Ishwari:- I know and me and subhadra are also blessed to have them.
Aarav and abhimanyu touches Ishwari's feets.
aadhik:- show your valour today.....absence of pitashri should not be felt
aarav:- always be with our mata
aadhik:- yess

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