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Day 1
The horrendous war began with leading all of the Kaurava armies, rushing with their raised flags against the Pandavas. With Bheem leading the Pandava army stood against them with cheering hearts.

Dushasan fought Nakul, attempting to strike him with many an arrow, but Nakul cut down these arrows, the standard and the bow of his enemy. Yudhishthir fought Shalya, while Drishtadyumna sought Dronarchya in battle. The King of Panchala fought the King of Sind and the battle between them was fierce and terrible.

Bhishma went through the Pandava army wreaking havoc wherever he went, seeing that the six sons with the twins Nakula and Sahadeva , rushed against the Kaurava army and directly attacked the commander of the Kaurava forces straight at Bheem tearing them with their arrows. Duryodhana and his brothers surrounded Bheem and the young warriors couldn't match the prowess of Bhishma and were defeated.

Gandharaj persuades King Shalya to attack Yudhistir from back, but rajkumar Uttar came in between as he seen shalya throwing the spear and saved yudhistir.

At the dusk
All the women were waiting for them all to return. As Uttara seen Abhimanyu a smile appeared on her face but it went as she seen he was holding her brother who was death. she rushed to him.
after some time
Uttar was taken to do his last rights, ishwari held uttara and Subhadra and Draupadi were with Maharani. Tears rolling down her cheeks but she knew the war has planned a lot for her and Balram's words were ringing in her mind.

In the pandavas tent

Krishna consoled the distraught Yudhishthira, having lost his son in the battle, saying that eventually, victory would be his. The plan to avenge uttar's death.

In Ishwari's tent
Arjun:- How is uttara?
Ishwari:- I was there with her till abhi goes there
Arjun:- ok, I will see Ira and come
Saying he left from their
Ishwari seen Krishna standing outside
Ishwari:- bhrata!!
Krishna:- yes
Ishwari:- Bhrata why did I heard all your conversation today, I heard all Geeta sar
Krishna:- haven't you heard all that earlier
Ishwari:- yes, I have before this but
Krishna:- you and parth are one only so you heard it
Ishwari:- ok.

Day 2

With confidence, the Kaurava army facing the Pandavas, the second day of the war commenced. Arjuna realized that something had to be done quickly to reverse the Pandava's loss and decided to try killing Bhishma. Sri Krishna skillfully located Bhishma's chariot and steered Arjun toward him. Arjun tried to engage Bhishma in a duel, but the Kaurava soldiers guarded Bhishma to protect him and attacked Arjun. Arjun and Bhishma fought a fierce battle that raged for hours.

Dronarcharya and Dhrishtadyumna similarly engaged in a duel in which Dronarcharya defeated Dhrishtadyumna and had to be rescued by Bheem's intervention.

Duryodhana sent the troops of Kalinga to attack Bheem, including the King of Kalinga, and lost their lives at his hands. Seeing which, Bhishma immediately came to relieve the battered Kalinga forces, and Satyaki, who was assisting Bheem, shot at Bhishma's charioteer and killed him. This resulted in Bhishma's horses to lose their control and carried Bhishma away from the battlefield.

Hence, The Kaurava army had suffered great losses at the end of the second day and was considered defeated.


Bhishma arranged the Kaurava forces in the formation of an eagle with himself leading from the front, while Duryodhana's forces protected the rear. The Pandavas countered this by using the crescent, the shape of a half-moon with the right horn commanded by Bheem, Yudhishthira holding the center and Arjun managing the left horn. All morning, the armies fought and none gave way.

Abhimanyu and Satyaki combined to defeat the Gandhara forces of . Bheem attacked Duryodhana in the rear. Bheem's arrows hit Duryodhana, who swooned in his chariot. His charioteer immediately drove them out of danger.

Duryodhana's forces, however, saw their leader fleeing the battlefield and soon scattered. Bhishma soon restored order and Duryodhana returned to lead the army. He was angry at Bhishma, however, at what he saw as leniency towards the five Pandava brothers and spoke harshly to his commander.

The Kauravas concentrated their attack on Arjun's position. Arjun's chariot was soon covered with arrows and javelins. Arjun, with amazing skill, built a fortification around his chariot with an unending stream of arrows from his bow.

In the afternoon, Bhishma invoked celestial astras and mowed down the Pandava army on all sides. Krishna urged Arjun, saying, "The hour has come when you must hold to your promise to slaughter the Kaurava army and fight Bhishma. Behold, your army is being destroyed by him alone." He drove the chariot to where Bhishma's chariot stood. Beholding him advancing, the Pandava host rallied, while Bhishma covered the onrushing chariot with his arrows. Arjun took Gandiva and sent forth arrows that cut the grandsire's bow in two. As Bhishma seized and strung another that too was cut down. Bhishma, stung by this unfair charge, fell on the Pandava army with renewed vigor. It was as if there were more than one Bhishma on the field. Bhishma sent forth arrows against Arjun. Krishna, with great skill, avoided them but many still struck him and Arjun.

Arjun attacked Bhishma trying to restore order again and engage in a fierce duel. Arjun drew an Astra causing a river of blood from the Kaurava army. Every other sound was silenced by his bow. As the sunset, the Kauravas withdrew, Bhishma and Dronarchya with them, and the Pandavas triumphed that day.

Day 4

Bheem appeared on the scene with his mace aloft and started attacking the Kauravas. Duryodhana sent a huge force of elephants at Bheem. Seeing the mass of elephants approaching, Bheem got down from his chariot and attacked them singlehandedly with his iron mace. They scattered and stampeded into the Kaurava forces, killing many.

Duryodhana ordered an all-out attack on Bheem. Bheem, however, withstood all that was thrown at him and attacked Duryodhana's brothers, killing eight of them, as per his oath during the gambling game. Therefore the Pandavas, though they often fought their cousins and struck them wounded, never slew them, so that Bheem could keep his promise. Bheem was soon struck by an arrow on the chest and sat down in his chariot dazed. The unimaginable carnage continued during the ensuing days of the battle.

Duryodhana, when he went each night to his tent, was overcome with grief, and wept for his brothers. He was distraught at the loss of his brother and overwhelmed by sorrow at the loss of his brothers, went to Bhishma at the end of the fourth day of the battle and asked his commander how could the Pandavas, who are facing a superior force against them are still prevailing and winning. Bhishma replied that the Pandavas had justice on their side and advised Duryodhana to seek peace.


When the battle resumed on the fifth day, the slaughter continued. The Pandava army again suffered against Bhishma's attacks. Arjuna fought and killed thousands of soldiers sent by Duryodhana to attack him. Bheem engaged in a fierce duel with Bhishma, which remained inconclusive. The unimaginable carnage continued during the ensuing days of the battle.

Satyaki bore the brunt of Dronachraya's attacks and could not withstand them. Aarav drove to him an rescued him.


This day was marked by remarkable slaughters. Dronachrya caused an immeasurable loss of lives on the Pandava side as the formations of both the armies were broken. Bheem too managed to penetrate the Kaurava formation and attacked Duryodhana. Duryodhana was defeated but was rescued by others. At the end of the day, the war halted with the defeat of the Kauravas.

Day 7 and 8

These day Bheem killed some more of Dhritarashtra's sons. Aarav and aadhik killed 5 brothers of Shakuni, princes hailing from Gandhara. The day ended with a crushing defeat of the Kauravas.

At night
Arjun:- you are really skilled, you have shown your skills today you used sword and mace also with dhanush
Aarav:- pitashri, it all possible because of your all's blessing
Subhadra:- but your bravery is scaring your wife, go and talk with her
Aarav nodded and left from their

In the kauravas camp
Shaukni:- that sons of that yadav kanya killed my five brothers, Duryodhan we have to kill him soon or else we will lose more people soon
Duryodhan:- yes mamashree, don't worry I will fight with him
Shakuni:- we have kill him soon

Hope you like this part.

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