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Bhishma was furious on Vidur for suggesting the property splitting.
Pandavas were discussing over what they should do. They cannot just let their mother land divided into two parts. Yudhisthira was against the division and said he would go and leave the Yuvraj pad himself.
Vidur gave an example of water and oil which can never be mixed. He also said if they want happiness and peace in Hastinapur they have to divide the Rajya. Vidur also said right now Dhritarastra would only support his own blood. But Bhisma refused to believe it but right at that moment Dhritarashtra's saarathi came and told them that Dhritarastra ordered his man to arrest Pandavas and put them in the Karagar.
Duryodhan was furious and he refused to divide the Rajya stating it was his own and they will never let Panduputras to take it.
Sakuni was spatting against Bhishma and Vidur and so was Dussasana.
Duryodhana reminded his father that how Pandava's took out their weapons in front of Dhritarastra and it was a sinful deed. So they have every right to dismiss Yudhisthira from Yuvraj Pad.
Bhishma was furious over Dhritarastra's deed and ordered the dwarpal to inform the king that Bhishma wants to see him.
Pandavas were shocked at the declaration and submitted themselves to the Hastinapur men against their wishes.
Bheem was furious but Yudhisthira made him understand the rightness of the thing by submitting him to the Hastinapur men. Yudhisthira leaded the way and the other pandavas followed.
They met Draupadi and Ishwari on their way, their eyes were filled with tears seeing them like that, With heavy heart Draupadi asked what is the solution? Yudhisthira said there was only one solution that they apologize in front of the King.
Arjun asked Ishwari what was her views. She said if they are at fault then they should seek for forgiveness but if they aren't then they should fight it out and prove themselves right. She made them understand what they were doing was not correct. Draupadi agrees with her. Yudhisthira confirmed that they would not ask for forgiveness.
Arjun says them that if they are at Karagar then Hastinapur won't be safe for them and they should leave for Kampilya and dwarka. With heavy heart he said maybe her journey was till here with him. Ishwari nodded in disagreement and says she will not go and nothing will happen to them also.
On the other hand Dhritarastra refused to meet Bhishma.

Bhishma went to meet Dritarastra when he and his wife were doing havan. He said that he has committed sin by capturing Pandavas. Dritarastra told him that it was a sin to take up weapons in front of him. Bhishma ordered him to release them.
Duryodhan said he cannot order the King and he should respect. Bhishma said it was because of him and if he wants he can take the kingship back. Gandhari requested her husband to release Pandavas just giving Arjun a small punishment. Duryodhan told him that a King can never take back his order and now when it is already given no one has any right to take it away.
Dritarastra was in two minds when his sons gave him strength and he kept numb. Bhishma angrily walked out despite of Shakuni's pleading. He scolded his nephews and told them that he was changing his decision. In the game one should change according to the situation.
When hastinapur soldiers were on their way towards the karagar Bhishma stopped them on their tracks and told them to either fight with him or release Pandavas because he won't step back from his dharma.
Yudhisthira reminded him that they are nothing against his oath and for them he cannot fight with his own men. Bhishma asks his men to fight with him.
Duryodhana and his brother were happy to see the soldiers pick up their respective weapons but it was half lived because they submitted their weapons on this foot kneeling down in front of him.
Shakuni showed them what he meant. Hastinapur will always remain obedient towards their master Bhishma. He told Duryodhana to ask his father to seek for Bhishma's forgiveness.
Bhishma finally agreed with Vidur's words that the Rajya will not be divided into two parts and if Yudhishthira's rajyabhishek doesn't happen he will immediately leave the kingdom.
Shakuni asked Bhisma to meet the King in the shabha along with the pandavas because he needs to take step against Arjuna for picking up his weapon in front of the whole Rajya.

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