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Many news came from the war field and finally news came of victory the pandavas would return to the palace next day after the rajyabhisek of Ashwatthama

The whole palace was being decorated.

Krishna had something in his mind as he knew Arjun and Ishwari have started to love each other, he came to his sister.

K:- I think you should decorated the the chambers of the pandav prince's sister

I:- I will try my level best to decorate their chambers beautifully brother

Saying this she left but for chambers were already decorated only the chamber of prince arjun was not decorated she thought to decorate it.

She left from their after the decoration.

All the prince had arrived had went to their chamber everyone on their way was talking about the decoration outside and all Arjun was still in his thoughts think of Ishwari.

He went in his chamber it decorated exactly how he wanted he thought who has decorated it.

K:- Parth my dear sister has decorated it.

A:- really? she had...

K:- she has exactly decorated the way you like right?

A:- how did you know I was about to say it.

K:- you are my friend so I know, now I suggest you that go and say thanks to my sister

Arjun nodded to this and Krishna left

He went taking some small flower on the table to her chamber. He knocked on the door.

I:- come in bhadre.

But she knew who it was.

I:- what happed say something.

But he didn't say anything he simply came near her and placed some flowers in her plaits(type of hair style)

I:- what was this?

A:- nothing a way of saying thank you

I:- for what?

A:- you don't know for what then let it be I am leaving

I:- no no wait ok I know for what, how is the decoration I hope you liked it

A:- It is nice but why white color flowers

I:- see I feel clam by seeing light colors so I thought to do the same then I checked for flowers, there I had seen white colors I thought you like white color so I used it, you like white color am I right?

A:- yes but how did you know you like white color

I:- it is very simple you mostly wear white color angavastra on special occasions I had seen so I guessed it

A:- Indeed you are intelligent, so I must leave we will meet at the lunch

I:- yes sure

So he left from their, they all met at the lunch everyone had the lunch and left, their was feast at night so all were getting ready.

subhadra got ready and left towards the common chamber of the pandavas.

S:- pranipat bharta shree, are you all ready? Shall we leave?

Y:- yes let your brother krishna and sister come than we will go.

s:- no we have to wait for bhrata only, jiji is not going to come

A:- why?

S:- jiji is having fever so said she will not come

A:- jyesth bratha may I go and meet her

Y:- come we all will go and meet her

They met Krishna only the way he also followed them all as he didn't  know what happened.

K:- what happened to her?

A:- madhav she has high fever see

The vaidya came and checked her.

Vaidya:- no to worry vasudev she has high fever but it will reduce in some time someone be with her always I have kept the medicine here and tell me who is going to be with her I instruct about the medicines to the person.

A:- if you have no problem madhav may I stay with my friend here.

S:- I will also stay here with jiji bhrata shree

K:- no problem at all when will she gain consciousness and what happened to her?

V:- not to worry she will gain consciousness in sometime is will fine soon.

They all left from their and only Subhadra and Prince Arjun were their next to her. She gained consciousness in sometime.

S:- jiji are you ok, wait I will tell Bharata shree he is very much tensed

I:- go slowly dear you may fall

A:- what happen to you suddenly like this

I:- wait did you brought the flowers from you table to me.

A:- yess why?

I:- I got it, actually I have its allergy if there is a insect in it and if stings me I get fever like this.

A:- I am really very sorry for this, I didn't know anything

I:- it ok but don't tell anyone about the allergy

K:-Are you ok dear?
he said while entering the chamber

I:- yes I am alright don't be worry I will get fine soon

K:- ok take rest, what happened to you suddenly

I:- actually I don't know, I think you both should leave know I am fine now.

K:- yes we will leave when you will fall asleep.

Everyone took good care of her, 2 days had passed now she was alright now but some weakness was still their.....the ceremony of Yuvraj abhishek of Prince Yudhishthira was also done

Subhadra and Ishwari were in their chamber and Arjun came to meet them, Subhadra took a good revenge from him

I:- see I told you she will take revenge

A:- are you happy now subhadra?

S:- yes very happy

K:- So as you are happy bhadre we should leave tomorrow.

A:- why so early

K:- It is not our three's wish it is dau's order

I:- dau's order?

K:- yess he said come early or else I will come their with narayani sena to bring back my sisters to dwarka

"only us not you" said Ishwari laughingly

K:- yess you don't know how much he loves his sisters, so start packing tomorrow we are leaving.

Saying this krishna and Arjun left krishna asked Arjun to accompany them to dwarka to which he happily agreed.

do tell me how is this part

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