she left!!

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The next day

The family of dwarka came to hastinapur and also Ira was going to arrive soon.
Ishwari went to Krishna.

Ishwari:- bhrata!!

Krishna:- yes

Ishwari:- I can feel that destruction of yadavas is near.

Krishna:- tatparya

Ishwari:- allow me to go

Krishna:- I will not allow, how can I allow you to die

Ishwari:- If I don't die your Parth will also not

Krishna:- but

Ishwari:- I am tired of living, please!!!

Krishna:- on correct time
She nodded to him and left from their

She met to everyone that day and talked with everyone.
Next day she got up and got ready in green saree.

Arjun:- this saree looks good on you

Ishwari:- thanks
She said while hugging him and left from their

Subhadra:- jiji, anything special today you look different today

Ishwari:- today I feel like all my pain and sorrow is going to go away

Subhadra:- tatpraya jiji

Ishwari:- nothing, Take care of everyone and don't be sad
saying she left from their

After the lunch she went to everyone's chamber and kept few things for them and at last went to common chamber

Arjun:- where were you Ishwari

Ishwari:- i was having some work so I went their.
She looked at everyone and at Arjun at last.

Nakul:- Are you not well bhabi?

Ishwari:- Nothing much Nakul, feeling bit feverish, after taking some rest I will be ok

Arjun:- Are you sure or else, take medicine form nakul

Ishwari:- No need, I am going to my chamber
Saying she left from their
Balram, Krishna and Subhadra knew what was going to happen ahead, but they kept quiet as no one can stop it.

After a prahar

In common chamber
Arjun:- Bharta I will go and see if she is fine or not

Subhadra:- Arya I will also come with you, jiji never sleeps for this long after lunch.

Arjun:- come

Arjun came to his chamber to see her sleeping peacefully on the bed and a smile on her face, he felt relived after looking at her smile

Arjun:- Finally I got what I wanted to see in this many years

Subhadra:- Arya, check if she is having fever
Arjun nodded to her and kept his hand on her forehead to check

Arjun:- No subhadre
He held Ishwari's hand in his

Arjun:- My love, Wake up soon, I want to talk with you, I have express my happiness to you

Saying he was about to place her hand down when it slipped from his hand and fell on the bed in a lifeless movement.

Subhadra:- Arya.....jiji

Arjun:- call nakul fast.....Ishwari what happened.....Ishwari wake up

Soon nakul and everyone reached their

Arjun:- Nakul-sahdev see what happened to her
Nakul held her hand to check her pulse and looked at sahdev.
Sahdev looked at Krishna and moved his head signaling about what had happened
Krishna came forward to Arjun and kept hand on his shoulder

Krishna:- parth......Ishwari has left us.....she

Arjun:- no she is fine.....she cannot go leaving me alone

Balram:- Arjun......try to understand.....we know it is difficult to believe but.....she is no more

Arjun:- why you did this to me, I cannot leave with you.......Why you are leaving me
Ira came to Arjun and hugged him

Ira:- Ma....wake I need you......Ma why are you leaving me....Ma

Subhadra:- jiji.....we need you.....jiji

Krishna:- Parth...Subhadra and Ira....we have accept this and also do the further things
He moved towards her

Krishna:- me and Rukmini are fortunate to have a devotee like never failed to pray to us and with that never left the are the person who stopped the vastra haran of Sakhi without any violence........I am blessed to have you as my sister

Everyone was shocked due to this sudden happening and also this was the saddest moment for them.

At the funeral
Krishna:- Parth, make her wear all the jewelry which are signs of a married women and also

Arjun:- I know, I will fill sindoor in her hairline

Saying he moved towards her. The lady who's sringar he used do always now he was making her wear the jewelry for the last time.
He looked at her face for the last time and looked at Ira, she nodded and to everyone's surprise came and touched Arjun's hand to lit the pyre of Ishwari.

At night
Arjun came back to his chamber and he found a letter for him near the pillow

I know you are very angry on me because I left you......but I fulfilled my all duties.
You know what you are the person for whom I were the hope in my life but what to do I was tired with all that so I left you.
You loved me a lot Arjun, I don't if I deserved that much but I am blessed to have you as my husband. I also Know I couldn't love you that much, but yes I loved you a lot Arjun.
I was the most fortunate person because I had you with me always.
My life changed when I came in dwapar yuga, then I married you and it changed again.....the happiest phase of my life started and that was of having a person who was mine forever.
I know we lost our first child but I accepted that and moved on thinking that was only my fate.
But soon we were blessed with Aarav, aadhik then you and Subhadra were blessed with Abhi our life was full off happiness when we got to know that I am expecting again.
But the rajsuya started to change our life and the dyut sabha day was the day when our life changed again.
we both know what happened ahead.......I just wished one thing after that everyday......please do a miracle and make me realize that it is just a bad dream which will never turn true........I am sorry I giving you this much pain but.....please forgive me......I wish to god that in every birth of our may we both be husband and wife always.

Your beloved wife

Arjun:- Not just beloved are my life Ishwari......I also wish to be your husband in every birth.

Hope you like this part.
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