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Hermione woke up seeing Draco gone, Hermione thought that he already left to work she sighed and mumbled to herself taking out a picture "what am I gonna do." She look at the ultrasound and it shows 2 babies.
Draco was at work distracted thinking about why Hermione was so nervous, he bit his nails when his assistant came in "sir your mother is here." Draco nodded and said "thank you John." He saw his mother fiddling around her purse when Draco said "mother what you doing here?" Narciess turned reply "oh hello son. I thought I come to check on you." Draco looked down and said "why not I bring you out to lunch?" Narciess nodded as they went to a cafe and sat down, Draco sip his tea as he ask "so what brings you here mother?" Narciess replied "I was checking on Astoria and while I was there I was thinking i haven't checked on you for a long time so here we are." Draco nodded and ask "so how is Astoria baby?" Narciess replied "she's alright. She's so cute though." Draco nodded and all he could think about is when is his turn to become a father. Draco cleared his throat and ask "so is Lisa still in my room?" Narciess nodded when Draco added "promise me you won't let her near Hermione? Please." Narciess nodded and added "I promise."
Hermione on the other hand is panicking and didn't know what to do when she then thought of asking a person who has already experienced it. Astoria, Hermione apparted to Astoria house and found a loud crying baby and a restless mother, Hermione shook Astoria up causing Astoria to startled. "Astoria I wanted to ask you something." Astoria look up tiredly "what is it?" Hermione replied "how did you tell Theo that you were pregnant?" Astoria eyes lit up and said "are you?.." Hermione slightly nodded saying "but please don't tell Draco yet cause i haven't." Astoria stop jumping and said "you haven't?" Hermione nodded and said "so I needed to ask you how did you tell?" Astoria shrugged and said "it's really simple I gave him a big hug or a kiss and showed him the pregnancy test he was very happy so it was a relief." Hermione smiled as she asked nervously "what if i didn't do a pregnancy test instead I have an ultrasound..." Astoria mouth hung open and said "what!? Let me see!" But before Hermione show Astoria place her baby down to sleep, Astoria took the ultrasound and saw two babies, "two babies!?" Astoria said as her voice grew higher. Hermione smiled and asked "what do I do?" Astoria replied "look Draco wanted a child for very long time now right?" Hermione nodded "so now you have gifted him two. So I think you won't have a problem." Astoria continued, Hermione smiled as she thanked her and left.
Hermione walked into her apartment and saw Draco sitting on the couch watching a movie when he heard Hermione open the door he shuts it off and said "hi." "Hi." Hermione replied, Draco then looked around as Hermione said "Draco we need to talk." Draco nodded as Hermione sat next to him. Hermione breathed in and said "yesterday at the hospital I went to the toilet to vomit when a nurse walked in and said that she could check up on me I agree and as she check me she ask if she could do an ultrasound and I agreed....so...Draco...I'm pregnant." Draco eyes lit up with joy and exclaimed "OH MY GOD! That's great!" Hermione smiled as Draco picked her up and spin her but Hermione said "that's not all...your having twins." Draco smile grew wider and kiss her her face all over.

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