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Hermione woke up early excited to go have lunch, Draco groaned and pull her back into bed and said "don't go." Hermione laughed "you have work." Draco scoff and said "did you forget I'm the boss?" Hermione hit his shoulder using the opportunity to escape his grip.
Draco rolled his eyes and started getting dress for his work, Draco walked into the kitchen still mad when Hermione walk up to him and ask "are you mad?" Draco gazed soften as he smiled "no." Hermione went to reach for tea "okay." "Okay?" Draco ask Hermione looked at him innocently "yeah. Tea?" Draco took the tea and looked at her sip and kiss her forehead "I'm gonna go to work bye love." Draco pecked her lips and apparted away, Hermione took her purse and head to the ally and use her wand and tap the brick wall.
Hermione walked through and saw all kind of wizard and witches some were buying things for Hogwarts, Hermione continued walking and saw pansy,Astoria,Ginny and Luna. Hermione walked to the little cafe they were in and said "hi girls." Luna replied "oh hi Hermione I'm sorry for not checking on you at the hospital Neville had troubles with his plants." Hermione replied "it's alright." Ginny then exclaimed "you got so big!" Hermione giggled as she sat down "next month I'm going for another ultrasound to see how is the twins." The girls nodded as they started talking about their lives.
After a couple of hours talking they got up and go see shops they saw this Jewelry shop and bought some things and came out with one or two bags of Jewelry while walking they bump into Ron and lavender with a stroller, Hermione avoided eye contact with Ron while Ginny ask Ron why he was here. After that they continued their walk as Ginny rub her arm.
Hermione reach home and started making dinner before Draco comes back, Hermione was done cooking when Draco apparted back to the apartment and was holding roses, Hermione took it and ask "what are these for?" Draco replied smiling "just wanted to give you." They sat in the living room eating when an owl flew in it was a grey and white owl looked like Narciess owl, Draco groaned and took the letter he was about to tear it when Hermione said "wait! Don't you think you should hear her out?" Draco rolled his eyes "I don't want to." Hermione scoff "could you don't be so stubborn and talk to your mother." Draco groaned and wrote a letter of his response. He came back grumpy and said "you should be lucky I love you." Hermione smiled and ate her food.
Draco and Hermione was walking in the park because Hermione didn't want to keep staying at home. Their hands interlaced, Hermione saw a light balloon as she tug Draco hand, he looked down and chuckled knowing she wants the balloon he walked up to the men who sell the balloon saying that he wants one, he paid him and gave it to Hermione. Hermione giggled she was so happy as they continued walking when Hermione said "dray tomorrow I'm gonna go see willow at my parents house." Draco nodded as they walked home. Willow started staying with Hermione's parents house cause Hermione heard that fur was bad for the baby and left him there but tomorrow she is going to check on him.
Both of them change into their sleeping clothes and went to sleep Hermione was reading a book while Draco off his light and said "honey the light-" he was cut off by Hermione "5 more minutes." Draco groaned when he sits up and said "potter told me that you and the girls bump into the Weasley." Hermione looked at him "yeah we did." Draco replied with an eyebrow raised "why didn't you tell me?" Hermione replied "because I didn't know if it's important I didn't even look at him." Draco scoff "you could've at least tell me." Hermione place her book down "ok I'm sorry. If it makes you better they have a child." Draco eyes lit up jaw dropped "really? I didn't know that Weasley was capable of raising a child." Hermione hit his arm "don't be mean." Draco smirked and went to sleep so did Hermione.

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