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Hermione woke up with Draco arms wrapping around her, Hermione turned to face him and peck his lips. Draco chuckled softly and said "when are you going to your parents house?" Hermione nodded while stretching, they got
Dress about to go when Draco said "must I go?" Hermione sigh "yes! Listen to what your mother explanation." Draco sigh kissing her forehead and apparting away.
Hermione soon apparted to Australia where her parents are, she got in and heard a lot of meowing, she pick willow up "oh hi my beautiful boy." Hermione mother kiss her cheek so did her father, Hermione mother exclaimed "you have gotten bigger." Hermione smiled as they sat on the couch.
Draco apparted to the manor and saw his mother sitting where she usually have her tea, Narciess stood up "I'm so glad you can make it." Draco nodded and said "tell me what you wanna say." Narciess exhaled "I know I promised, she told me how she wanted revenge and I said that I can't let her do it so I took out my wand but she quickly hit me. I really tried please forgive me." Draco looked down feeling a lot guilty "ok I forgive you." Narciess smiled while Draco didn't feel like staying while walking to the fireplace he saw Lisa in the corner smirking Draco rolled his eyes and vanished.
Hermione was at her apartment when she saw Draco coming through the fireplace and sat on the couch Hermione sat next to him "what's wrong?" Draco looked at her "it wasn't my mother's fault she really tried...thank you for making me go there though." Hermione smiled "that's what wives are for." Draco chuckled and cupped her face and kiss her. Draco pull away "let's go get dinner." Hermione smiled and grabbed her coat leaving.
Draco was holding onto her hand while walking to an Italian restaurant they sat down and ordered some lemon tea and some of their most recommended food. Their food came as they ate in silence, they paid and got out Hermione wanted to tease him so she clenched her fist not letting him hold her hand which made Draco mad and confused, he opened her fist and slipped his hand in. They walked to a little baby store and saw some clothes she took them and fell in love with them she looked at Draco as he sighed "fine you can buy anything." Hermione took a bunch of clothes and paid for them. She hooked her arm with his "thank you love." Draco kiss her, he love to see her happy she really do deserve the world.
They reached home, Hermione went into a room where she turned it into a library and read her books while Draco went to play video game. Hermione read half of the chapter as she got up and went to check on Draco, she saw Draco concentrating on the game so she went to kiss his cheek and sat on his lap. Draco ask "what are you doing baby?" Hermione replied "I got bored." Draco chuckled and kiss the top of her head.
Hermione yawned "I'm gonna go sleep." Draco nodded kissing her cheek. Hermione changed into her PJ and went to sleep but she couldn't sleep so read another chapter when Draco came In and said "I thought you were asleep?" Hermione groaned "can't sleep." She shut the book and place it on her bed side. Draco got into bed and hugged her to sleep.

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