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✧. ┊ chapter 04, Dream ┊.✧


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Sunghoon caught Haewon before she hit the floor, his arms supporting her unconscious form. He swiftly assessed the situation, his eyes narrowing at the encroaching voids. Determination etched across his face, he gently laid Haewon at a safer distance, her form shielded from the impending battle.

The voids, sensing a new threat, closed in on Sunghoon. Unfazed, he unsheathed a sleek dagger, its blade catching the pale moonlight. He lunged at the voids with deadly accuracy.,his movements a dance of calculated strikes.

The air crackled with tension as Sunghoon employed a combination of swift slashes and precise stabs. His dagger gleamed as it sliced through the darkness, dispersing voids with each well-timed strike. He utilized his vampire strength in tandem, delivering powerful kicks and evading their relentless advances.

The metallic tang of blood filled the air as Sunghoon's nails extended into lethal claws. He moved with a predator's grace, dismantling the voids with calculated efficiency. Each strike was a testament to his combat prowess, a ballet of death in the silent night.

Minji after her trip from the restroom, exited from the school building. The scene before her unfolded in a nightmare as her eyes laid on one side of the floor where Haewon lay unconscious, and Sunghoon engaged in a fight with the voids.

A gasp escaped Minji's lips as she comprehended the danger. Panic gripped her heart, and she sprinted towards Haewon, her voice echoing through the stillness, "HAEWON!"

Sunghoon, mid-battle, spared a momentary glance at Minji upon hearing her yell. His eyes, filled with a rare intensity, conveyed a silent assurance. With a deft motion, he dispatched the remaining voids, ensuring the immediate threat was neutralized.

Minji, reaching Haewon's side, frantically checked for signs of life, however, she could never check because she is a vampire. "Haewon, wake up! Please, wake up!" she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.

Sunghoon, now standing amidst the defeated voids, approached them. "She'll be fine. The vampires are gone," he stated, his usual calm demeanor contrasting with the chaos that had unfolded.

Minji's eyes narrowed, suspicion etching her features. "What did you do to her?" she demanded, her voice edged with a mixture of concern and distrust.

He scoffed, a hint of exasperation in his tone. "I did nothing. Your friend simply panicked when surrounded by those vamps. I happened to be passing by, so I decided to help her. She fainted. That's all there is to it." Minji still didn't look very convinced.

Sunghoon, his patience tested by Minji's persistent skepticism, raised an eyebrow. "Why would I even bother to interfere and eliminate these creatures if I intended harm to Haewon?" he retorted, his voice tinged with an undertone of annoyance.

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